React Basic implementation of the general Html
class from the
chameleon package.
You can write your web views in a framework agnostic way and this package can
convert them to react-basic views (and therefore to actual React
components as well).
The below code shows how to integrate a chameleon view into a regular react basic component.
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import React.Basic.DOM.Client as ReactBasicDOM
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Chameleon (class Html)
import Chameleon as C
import Chameleon.Impl.ReactBasic as Chameleon.React
import Web.DOM as DOM
-- Framework agnostic part
type State = Int
data Msg
= Increment Int
| Decrement Int
counterUpdate :: Msg -> State -> State
counterUpdate msg state = case msg of
Increment n -> state + n
Decrement n -> state - n
counterView :: forall html. Html html => { count :: Int } -> html Msg
counterView props =
[ "border: 1px solid red"
[ C.text "Counter"
, C.div [] [ C.text $ show props.count ]
, C.button [ C.onClick (Increment 1) ]
[ C.text "+" ]
, C.button [ C.onClick (Decrement 1) ]
[ C.text "-" ]
-- React Basic Hook component
mkApp :: React.Component {}
mkApp = do
React.component "Counter" \_props ->
state /\ setState <- React.useState 0
handler msg = setState $ counterUpdate msg
$ Chameleon.React.runReactHtml
{ handler }
$ counterView { count: state }
-- Mount React component
foreign import elemById :: String -> Effect DOM.Element
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
rootElem <- elemById "root"
app <- mkApp
reactRoot <- ReactBasicDOM.createRoot rootElem
ReactBasicDOM.renderRoot reactRoot (app {})