A simple wrapper around React-Redux that provides real row unions for working with mapState and mapDispatch.
This is meant to be a reference for you to implement something similar in your own project.
Connect will always be a partial function because the React Context-injected Store can't be tracked in any reasonable way. While I would put Partial
as a constraint on connect
, this would be heavy-handed considering that any approach that duct-tapes in Redux will always be just that -- fairly brittle. You should really try to migrate your application from the logical core first if you can. This library exists only for integration purposes.
From test/Main.purs
type StateProps r = ( count :: String | r )
mapState :: MapState State (StateProps ())
mapState = MapState go
go {a} = {count: show a}
type DispatchProps r = ( doPing :: Effect Unit | r )
mapDispatch :: MapDispatch Action (DispatchProps ())
mapDispatch = MapDispatch go
go d | dispatch <- EU.runEffectFn1 d =
{ doPing: dispatch $ ActionVariant {type: "ping"}
type InnerProps r = StateProps + DispatchProps + r
enhance :: forall topProps. ReactComponent { | InnerProps topProps } -> ReactComponent { | topProps }
enhance = connect mapState mapDispatch