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An implementation of Clowns to the Left of me, Jokers to the Right (Pearl): Dissecting Data Structures by Conor McBride in PureScript.

This package provides three useful modules:

  • Dissect.Class
  • Data.Functor.Polynomial
  • Data.Functor.Polynomial.Variant


Using spago:

$ spago install dissect

or if not present within the current package set, add it to packages.dhall:

let upstream =

let overrides ~ {~}

let additions =
      { dissect =
        { dependencies = [ ... ]  -- copy dependencies from spago.dhall
        , repo = ""
        , version = "<insert-desired-revision-here>"

in  upstream // overrides // additions


I originally encountered the paper while looking for a way to ensure stack safety with matryoshka, being briefly mentioned in a comment in matryoshka#9. This eventually led to the creation of ssrs where I derived stack-safe recursion schemes via dissectible data structures based on the tail-recursive catamorphism originally implemented in the paper.

Another use-case I've found is for implementing mutually recursive collections of types which is explored in the paper: Generic programming with fixed points for mutually recursive datatypes. I've implemented a proof of concept in ./test/Universe.purs and it works well in conjunction with recursion schemes provided by ssrs.

Quick Primer on Dissect

I'm assuming that by coming across this package, you're comfortable working with fixed-point functors from recursion schemes. As such, I won't try to explain everything in-depth, just the concepts that matter.

Essentially, dissections take fixed-point functors and transform them into bifunctors that contain either the base case of a fixed-point data type or its recursive step. To contextualize this, let's say we have the following tree structure:

data TreeF n = Leaf | Fork n n n

Since recursion is factored out in this definition and replaced by some type variable n, we can fill it with anything we want. Likewise, we can also use the Mu combinator to effectively create a recursive data type. What we want in a dissection is to be able to represent the steps on how we're going to deconstruct recursive cases such as Fork. Let's start by visualizing the essence of dissecting functors:

We say that TreeF essentially has a three seats for n to be contained in, and that lives under the Fork constructor:

Fork [ n - n - n ]

Note that we take no notice to the Leaf constructor as it contains no seats for n.

The right function allows us to take this data and pluck out an n, leaving us a hole:

> right $ Fork [ n - n - n ]

n, Fork [ () - n - n ]

Likewise, it can also take a structure with holes and something to fill it with:

> right $ m, Fork [ () - n - n ]

Fork [ m - n - n ]

If we repeat this process, we eventually end up plucking out all n and replacing them with m:

> right $ Fork [ m - n - n ]
n, Fork [ m - () - n ]

> right $ m, Fork [ m - () - n ]
Fork [ m - m - n ]

> right $ Fork [ m - m - n ]
n, Fork [ m - m - () ]

> right $ m, Fork [ m - m - () ]
Fork [ m - m - m ]

This is, in essence, one way to do a map operation, but with the added benefit of being able to perform it in a stack-safe manner, as we've essentially factored out recursion, and we're really only concerned with plucking out and planting new values into structures. Unfortunately, its cost is that we must describe this process ourselves by defining data types that correspond to the intermediate states of where the hole currently is.

In reality, the right function has the following type:

    c j
  . Either (p j) (Tuple (q c j) c)
   Either (Tuple j (q c j)) (p c)

Its left path describes plucking out a value from some Functor and returning its dissection paired with its inner value j, or it returns the same Functor containing some value c; its right path on the other hand takes a dissection and a value to fill it with, and has the same return choice as the left path. There also exists the pluck and plant helper functions for choosing paths more elegantly:

pluck   p q c j. Dissect p q  p j  Either (Tuple j (q c j)) (p c)
pluck = right <<< Left

plant   p q c j. Dissect p q  (q c j)  c  Either (Tuple j (q c j)) (p c)
plant q c = right (Right (Tuple q c))

Now, let's start writing actual code:

data TreeF n = Leaf
             | Fork n n n

derive instance Functor TreeF

data TreeF_2 n m = ForkRR m m
                 | ForkLR n m
                 | ForkLL n n

instance Bifunctor TreeF_2 where
  bimap f g = case _ of
    ForkRR m0 m1 -> ForkRR (g m0) (g m1)
    ForkLR n0 m1 -> ForkLR (f n0) (g m1)
    ForkLL n0 n1 -> ForkLL (f n0) (f n1)

With boilerplate out of the way, we can now write the Dissect instance:

instance Dissect TreeF TreeF_2 where
  right = case _ of
    Left LeafRight Leaf

First and foremost, it's impossible to dissect the Leaf constructor as it contains no points of recursion, so we terminate immediately, however, Fork is much more interesting. Here we can see how its first element is being plucked out, with the rest of its seats being delegated to ForkRR.

Left (Fork m n o) → Left (Tuple m (ForkRR n o))

Then, we move on to the Right path. In here, we first start by plucking out yet another seat in ForkRR, delegating the remaining seat into ForkLR and planting some other value in its place.

Right (Tuple w c) → case w of
  ForkRR m n → Left (Tuple m (ForkLR c n))

For ForkLR, we pluck out another seat yet again, planting a new value in its place using ForkLL. Likewise, we also carry over the value we've planted previously in ForkLR.

ForkLR n m → Left (Tuple m (ForkLL n c))

Finally, for ForkLL, we start reconstructing Fork but with the planted values:

ForkLL n o → Right (Fork n o c)

You've just written your first Dissect instance!

instance Dissect TreeF TreeF_2 where
  right = case _ of
    Left LeafRight Leaf
    Left (Fork m n o) → Left (Tuple m (ForkRR n o))
    Right (Tuple w c) → case w of
      ForkRR m n → Left (Tuple m (ForkLR c n))
      ForkLR n m → Left (Tuple m (ForkLL n c))
      ForkLL n o → Right (Fork n o c)

In conclusion, the Dissect class factors out the recursion in the traversal of some recursive data structure. Instead of relying on recursion primitives, we've successfully lifted recursion into a toolkit for implementing stateful iterative machines.