


#attr Source

attr :: forall m. Testable m => String -> m String

Returns the given attribute of the current-context element.

#count Source

count :: forall m. Testable m => String -> m Int

Returns the number of elements within the current context that match the given selector.

#exists Source

exists :: forall m. Testable m => String -> m Boolean

Returns true if at least one element exists matching the given CSS selector.

#html Source

html :: forall m. Testable m => m String

Returns HTML representation of the current-context element.

#nearestEnclosingReactComponentName Source

#prop Source

prop :: forall m a. Testable m => DomPropType a => DomProp a -> m a

Returns the given property of the current-context element.

import Elmish.Test.DomProps as P

find "input" >> prop P.value >>= shouldEqual "hello"

#tagName Source

tagName :: forall m. Testable m => m String

Returns the tag name of the current-context element.

#text Source

text :: forall m. Testable m => m String

Returns full inner text of the current-context element.