Functions for working with homogeneous JavaScript objects from PureScript. Similar to using Map String a
but simply reusing JavaScript objects.
bower install purescript-foreign-object
example = do
-- make an empty Object
empty = FO.empty
-- insert to an empty Object
inserted = FO.insert "a" 1 empty
-- or: use the singleton function
-- singleton FO.singleton "a" 1
-- lookup values for existing in the Object as a result of Maybe
let lookup = FO.lookup "a" inserted
Assert.assertEqual { actual: lookup, expected: Just 1 }
-- delete a value from an Object
let deleted = FO.delete "a" inserted
Assert.assertEqual { actual: deleted, expected: FO.empty }
-- convert homogeneous records to Object
converted = FO.fromHomogeneous { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
-- check that the converted is equal to a regularly built Object
= FO.empty
# FO.insert "a" 1
# FO.insert "b" 2
# FO.insert "c" 3
Assert.assertEqual { actual: converted, expected: built }
See the tests for more examples.
Module documentation is published on Pursuit.