This package provides a generic router, you just need to provide a function that can parse a path from an arbitrary request, and optionally parse arbitrary context out of a request
The following is a simple example, but this router can support arbitrary requests, responses, and request contexts.
You can find more examples in /examples
or /test
module Main
( main
) where
import Prelude
import Router (makeRoute, makeRouter, route)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Router.Method as Method
import Test.Assert (assert)
testRouteMatch :: Effect Unit
testRouteMatch = do
route1 = makeRoute { path: "/apples", methods: [ Method.GET ] }
routes = (Map.fromFoldable [ Tuple route1 (\_req _ctx -> "Hello!") ])
fallbackResponse = "Not Found"
requestToPath = (\_req -> "/apples")
requestToMethod = (\_req -> Method.GET)
requestToContext = (\_req -> {})
router =
{ routes
, fallbackResponse
, requestToPath
, requestToMethod
, requestToContext
resp = route router ""
assert $ resp == "Hello!"