Another wrapper for ECharts using Union
to take records of subsets of allowed fields. Based off of the ideas in React-Basic.
Named for the Korean soup "Gomtang" and the Union-based approach "-basic".
More advanced uses of ECharts can be accomplished with PureScript-ECharts.
main = do
<- getElementById (ElementId "main")
<<< htmlDocumentToNonElementParentNode
=<< document
=<< window
case main_ of
Nothing ->
log "could not find 'main' element"
Just ele -> do
chart <- makeChart ele
setOption option chart
log "started"
option =
{ title
, xAxis
, yAxis
, series
title = makeTitle { text: "Bar Example" }
xAxis = makeXAxis
{ data:
[ "shirt"
, "cardigan"
, "chiffon"
, "pants"
, "heels"
, "socks"
yAxis = makeYAxis {}
series = [ seriesOption ]
seriesOption = makeBarSeries
{ name: "sales"
, data: [5.0, 20.0, 36.0, 10.0, 10.0, 20.0]
Looks like this: