- Package
- purescript-graphql-client
- Repository
- OxfordAbstracts/purescript-graphql-client
#NotNull Source
newtype NotNull t
NotNull t
(IsNotNull param arg, ArgGql param arg) => ArgGql (NotNull param) arg
(SatisifyNotNullParam param arg) => SatisifyNotNullParam (NotNull param) arg
(IsSymbol sym, SatisifyNotNullParam param arg, Cons sym arg rest args) => FoldingWithIndex (ArgsSatisifyNotNullsProps args) (Proxy sym) Unit (NotNull param) Unit
#ArgGql Source
class ArgGql :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> Constraint
class ArgGql params arg
(IsNotNull param arg, ArgGql param arg) => ArgGql (NotNull param) arg
ArgGql param IgnoreArg
(ArgGql (Array param) a1, ArgGql (Array param) a2) => ArgGql (Array param) (AndArgs a1 a2)
(ArgGql param argL, ArgGql param argR) => ArgGql param (OrArg argL argR)
(ArgGql param arg) => ArgGql param (Maybe arg)
(ArgGql param arg) => ArgGql (Array param) (Array arg)
(ArgGql param arg) => ArgGql (Array param) arg
(ArgGql param arg) => ArgGql param (Var sym arg)
ArgGql Int Int
ArgGql Number Number
ArgGql String String
ArgGql Boolean Boolean
ArgGql Date Date
ArgGql Time Time
ArgGql DateTime DateTime
(RecordArg p a u) => ArgGql (Record p) (Record a)
#IsNotNull Source
class IsNotNull :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> Constraint
class IsNotNull param arg
(Fail (Above (Text "A `Maybe` query argument cannot be used with with required schema argument: ") (Beside (Text " ") (Above (Beside (Text "Schema: ") (Quote param)) (Beside (Text "Query: ") (Quote (Maybe arg))))))) => IsNotNull param (Maybe arg)
(Fail (Above (Text "An `IgnoreArg` query argument cannot be used with with required schema argument: ") (Beside (Text " ") (Above (Beside (Text "Schema: ") (Quote param)) (Beside (Text "Query: ") (Quote IgnoreArg)))))) => IsNotNull param IgnoreArg
(IsNotNull param l, IsNotNull param r) => IsNotNull param (OrArg l r)
IsNotNull param arg
#RecordArg Source
class RecordArg :: Row Type -> Row Type -> Type -> Constraint
class (HMapWithIndex (ArgPropToGql p) (Record a) u) <= RecordArg p a u
(HMapWithIndex (ArgPropToGql p) (Record a) u) => RecordArg p a u
#ArgPropToGql Source
newtype ArgPropToGql :: Row Type -> Type
newtype ArgPropToGql params
ArgPropToGql (Record params)
(IsSymbol sym, Cons sym param rest params, ArgGql param arg, SatisifyNotNullParam param arg) => MappingWithIndex (ArgPropToGql params) (Proxy sym) arg Unit
#SatisifyNotNullParam Source
class SatisifyNotNullParam (param :: Type) (arg :: Type) | param -> arg
(HFoldlWithIndex (ArgsSatisifyNotNullsProps arg) Unit (Record param) Unit) => SatisifyNotNullParam (Record param) (Record arg)
(SatisifyNotNullParam param arg) => SatisifyNotNullParam (NotNull param) arg
SatisifyNotNullParam param arg
#ArgsSatisifyNotNullsProps Source
newtype ArgsSatisifyNotNullsProps :: Row Type -> Type
newtype ArgsSatisifyNotNullsProps args
ArgsSatisifyNotNullsProps (Record args)
(IsSymbol sym, SatisifyNotNullParam param arg, Cons sym arg rest args) => FoldingWithIndex (ArgsSatisifyNotNullsProps args) (Proxy sym) Unit (NotNull param) Unit
FoldingWithIndex (ArgsSatisifyNotNullsProps args) (Proxy sym) Unit param Unit
- Modules
- Data.
GraphQL. AST - Data.
GraphQL. Parser - GraphQL.
Client. Alias - GraphQL.
Client. Alias. Dynamic - GraphQL.
Client. Args - GraphQL.
Client. BaseClients. Affjax. Internal - GraphQL.
Client. BaseClients. Affjax. Node - GraphQL.
Client. BaseClients. Affjax. Web - GraphQL.
Client. BaseClients. Apollo - GraphQL.
Client. BaseClients. Apollo. ErrorPolicy - GraphQL.
Client. BaseClients. Apollo. FetchPolicy - GraphQL.
Client. BaseClients. Urql - GraphQL.
Client. CodeGen. GetSymbols - GraphQL.
Client. CodeGen. Js - GraphQL.
Client. CodeGen. Lines - GraphQL.
Client. CodeGen. Query - GraphQL.
Client. CodeGen. Schema - GraphQL.
Client. CodeGen. Template. Enum - GraphQL.
Client. CodeGen. Template. Schema - GraphQL.
Client. CodeGen. Transform. NullableOverrides - GraphQL.
Client. CodeGen. Types - GraphQL.
Client. ID - GraphQL.
Client. Query - GraphQL.
Client. QueryReturns - GraphQL.
Client. SafeQueryName - GraphQL.
Client. Subscription - GraphQL.
Client. ToGqlString - GraphQL.
Client. Types - GraphQL.
Client. Union - GraphQL.
Client. Variable - GraphQL.
Client. Variables - GraphQL.
Client. Variables. TypeName - GraphQL.
Client. WatchQuery - GraphQL.
Hasura. Array - GraphQL.
Hasura. ComparisonExp - GraphQL.
Hasura. Decode - GraphQL.
Hasura. DecodeLiberal - GraphQL.
Hasura. Encode