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Reusable stateful logic for Halogen, inspired by React Hooks.

Hooks offer a simpler mental model for writing stateful code in Halogen. They are a better alternative to higher-order and renderless components and offer a more convenient way to write most ordinary components. They can be incrementally adopted and require no changes to existing components in your application.

Note: Hooks can be used in production code today, but this library is very new. For that reason I don't recommend switching your entire application to Hooks right away. Instead, consider writing new components with Hooks or converting a few non-essential components before diving in all the way.

Learn more about Hooks:

  1. Read the blog post introducing Halogen Hooks
  2. Read the Halogen Hooks documentation
  3. View the component and custom hook examples


You can install Halogen Hooks with Spago:

spago install halogen-hooks

If Halogen Hooks is not available in your package set, add it to your project's packages.dhall file:

let additions =
  { halogen-hooks =
      { dependencies = [ "halogen", "indexed-monad" ]
      , repo = ""
      , version = "master"

Quick start

All types and functions available in Hooks are exported from the Halogen.Hooks module, so you can access the entirety of Hooks with one import:

import Halogen.Hooks as Hooks

Halogen Hooks uses an indexed free monad to ensure Hooks are always run in the same order. For that reason you should use do, bind, and pure as qualified imports from the Halogen.Hooks module.

This code replicates the Halogen basic button example which renders a count that is incremented on click:

myComponent = Hooks.component \_ input ->
  count /\ countId <- Hooks.useState 0

  Hooks.pure do
      [ HE.onClick \_ -> Just $ Hooks.modify_ countId (_ + 1) ]
      [ HH.text $ show count ]


There are several resources to help you learn about Hooks:

  • Introducing Hooks

    The blog post which introduces Halogen Hooks helps you understand what Hooks are, why they're important, and how to use them.

  • The Hooks Documentation

    The documentation directory in this repository contains a deep dive into Hooks and how to use them, including an API reference for each hook and a FAQ (feel free to open an issue if you have questions of your own you'd like answered).

  • Hooks Examples

    The Hooks examples directory in this repository replicates a number of example components from the official Halogen repository and demonstrates several custom Hooks you could write for yourself. Feel free to use these in your own code!


You can contribute to Halogen Hooks in many ways:

  • If you encounter an issue or have a question, please open an issue on the repository and I will work with you to resolve or answer it.

  • If you have suggestions for the documentation, please open an issue or pull request.

  • If you would like to contribute code to the library, please make sure to read the contributor's guidelines. In general, pull requests which improve the performance and ergonomics of the library are welcome, but I am unlikely to expand the core API or merge additions which I believe make the library more complicated to use.

  • If you have written a custom hook, a tutorial, or another resource on top of Halogen Hooks I encourage you to share it on the PureScript Discourse! Implementing your own hooks and writing your own guides and resources are a great way to help Halogen Hooks grow.

Developer Environments

If you would like to contribute code to Halogen Hooks, you can enter a development environment with common PureScript tooling available at the same versions I use via Nix. Just run this command in the root of the project:
