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Maps and folds for heterogeneous data types.


PureScript has a very rich type-system which lets us explicitly describe the shape of our data in fine detail. For example, Records and row-types let us write ergonomic, polymorphic, structurally-typed data. However, writing generic operations over such data types often involves a lot of tedious, constraint-level tricks. This library provides a framework which separates the traversal and summary logic for heterogeneous data types, like Functor and Foldable do for homogenous types, so we can reduce the boilerplate and tricks while sharing implementations.

How to use this library

This library exports several classes for both indexed and unindexed folds and maps.

  • class HMap and hmap
  • class HMapWithIndex and hmapWithIndex
  • class HFoldl and hfoldl
  • class HFoldlWithIndex and hfoldlWithIndex

These are similar to their homogenous counterparts. In fact, the folds and maps we write for heterogeneous types can be reused for homogenous data via the App f a newtype. That is, the following are identical:

map f [1, 2, 3]
hmap f (App [1, 2, 3])

Normal functions aren't enough for a lot of the things we need to do though, so dispatching these is slightly different as we'll need to use PureScript's constraint system.

The following examples will operate over Record types, since it is the most ubiquitous heterogeneous data type in PureScript.

Example: Mapping over a homogenous Record

Records aren't every actually homogenous to the type system, but sometimes all the values end up being the same time. Mapping over an apparently homogenous Record is as simple as using a normal (monomorphic) function.

hmap (add 1 >>> show) { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
{ a: "2", b: "3", c: "4" }

Example: Mapping over a heterogeneous Record

In the previous example, we can generalize our mapping function:

addOneAndShow :: forall n. Semiring n => Show n => n -> String
addOneAndShow = add one >>> show

However, we won't be able to dispatch this without giving it a monomorphic type signature which fixes it to a homogenous Record like before. We want to be able to instantiate these dictionaries for each member individually. To do that, we first need a data type to represent our mapping function:

data AddOneAndShow = AddOneAndShow

With this we can define an instance of Mapping, which we can use with hmap.

instance addOneAndShow ::
  (Semiring n, Show n) =>
  Mapping AddOneAndShow n String where
  mapping AddOneAndShow = add one >>> show

Then instead of passing a function to hmap, we pass in our data type.

hmap AddOneAndShow { a: 1, b: 2.0, c: { x: 12, y: 42 } }
{ a: "2", b: "3.0", c: "{ x: 13, y: 43 }" }

Example: Mapping over a heterogeneous Record with additional arguments

With normal functions, we can use partial application to thread in additional context for our mapping function. We can do the same here by adding arguments to our mapping data type.

Say we want to implement a Record zip operation. That is, we want to map over a record, and for each field we want to look up a corresponding function in another record and apply it to the value.

First we need to define a data type for our zip mapping, but we want it to hold the record of functions:

newtype ZipProps fns = ZipProps { | fns }

If we use MappingWithIndex instead of Mapping we can utilize the field name as well via SProxy.

instance zipProps ::
  (IsSymbol sym, Row.Cons sym (a -> b) x fns) =>
  MappingWithIndex (ZipProps fns) (SProxy sym) a b where
  mappingWithIndex (ZipProps fns) prop = Record.get prop fns
  zipRecord = hmapWithIndex <<< ZipProps
  { a: add 1
  , b: Tuple "bar"
  , c: \a -> not a
  { a: 12
  , b: 42.0
  , c: true
{ a: 13, b: (Tuple "bar" 42.0), c: false }

Example: Folding over a homogenous Record

Much like with hmap, we can fold over homogenous records using normal functions.

hfoldl (add :: Int -> Int -> Int) 0 { a: 12, b: 42, c: 100 }

The homogenous case needs a monomorphic function, so we've specialized the type of add with a type signature.

Example: Folding over a heterogeneous Record

In this example we will implement an alternative Show instance using String concatenation instead of building an intermediate data structure. First, the data type for our fold function:

data ShowProps = ShowProps

We need to follow the same steps as we did with hmap and hmapWithIndex, except we will implement Folding or FoldingWithIndex.

instance showProps ::
  (Show a, IsSymbol sym) =>
  FoldingWithIndex ShowProps (SProxy sym) String a String where
  foldingWithIndex ShowProps prop str a =
    pre <> reflectSymbol prop <> ": " <> show a
    pre | str == "" = ""
        | otherwise = str <> ", "

Then we can write a wrapper, which adds the curly-braces:

showRecord :: forall r.
  HFoldlWithIndex ShowProps String { | r } String =>
  { | r } ->
showRecord r =
  "{ " <> hfoldlWithIndex ShowProps "" r <> " }"
showRecord { a: "foo" , b: 42 , c: false }
"{ a: \"foo\", b: 42, c: false }"
