A minimal boilerplate for inserting a PureScript-built JavaScript script multiple times and parametrizing its entry point.
I'm writing blog posts at https://lucasdicioccio.github.io/ and I would like to illustrate individual blog posts with interactive animations.
In such blog posts, each interactive animation will be a refinement of the
previous one. Hence, animations would share a large amount of code and logic.
I do not want to clutter my JavaScript diretory with one .js
file per
animation. Instead, I'd like to have a single .js
which is then parametrized
by passing a program. Giving such power to a JavaScript file is not much work
but the exact dance is a bit annoying to perform.
Insert a HTML data-attribute data-humdrum-arg
to the script
tag inserting your application.
Use the library function to either fetch or immediately process the attribute value.
module Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import HumDrum (mainWithDataArg)
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
mainWithDataArg (log <<< show)
<script src="js/my-app.js" data-humdrum-arg="hello"></script>
<script src="js/my-app.js" data-humdrum-arg="world"></script>
Your console should show:
(Just "hello")
(Just "world")
Confirming that the program is able to branch early based on the
attribute selected.