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"Two dimentional", semigroupoid based, composable validation toolkit.


This library explores and gives some potential tools for really strict validation processing and I'm using it in some of my projects, but... If you want something more lightweight to work with (for example solution for forms processing) I want to promote my other solution: purescript-polyform.


Simple validation

Let's build update/create password component.

User should provide non empty password twice...

  passwordFields =
     (addFieldFromQuery (SProxy  SProxy "password1") nonEmptyString >>>
      addFieldFromQuery (SProxy  SProxy "password2") nonEmptyString)

...and if they contain the same value...

   passwordsEqual = check (\r → r.password1 == r.password2)

...we are accepting them as correct and build a password based on the value:

 createPassword = pureV (_.password1 >>> Password >>> Right))

Let's combine these steps together and check them in action:

 password =
   (tag (SProxy ∷ SProxy "fields") passwordFields) >>>
   (tag (SProxy ∷ SProxy "equals") (passwordsEqual >>> createPassword))

When you see SProxy :: SProxy label you can think of a labeling validation step. Labeling steps is necessary in case of "sum validation" - where validation is chained one after another. It's basically a -> Either e b chain where every e can and should be labeled to form single coproduct type.

On the other hand we have also products/records build up steps. This kind of validation steps aggregates all results into product (through addField or dedicated query helper addFieldFromQuery). In this context labeling is just giving record field a name. Resulting product value would contain all valid, but also invalid values (values wrapped in Either), but if the whole validation processes passes you would get record without any additional wrapping!

Few additional comments regarding following examples:

  • I'm using debug log (traceAnyA) in case of failure

  • we have used Data.Validation.Jaws.Http.nonEmptyString as entry point for our fields together with addFieldFromQuery so our validation is build upon type Query = StrMap (Array (Maybe String))

  • this library is not particularly tide to http validation

  • to run validation we just call runValidation password queryData

I've written simple (and ugly) reporter which validates and prints the results:

  validateAndPrint   a e i eff m r. (Show i)  (Show r)  Validation (Eff (console  CONSOLE | eff)) e i r  i  Eff (console  CONSOLE | eff) Unit
  validateAndPrint v d = do
    r ←  runValidation v d
    case r of
      Right v → logShow (Right v  Either Unit r)
      e → traceAnyA e

Let's validate:

-- both values missing
validateAndPrint password empty
-- one value missing - errors occures during `password2.fields` and `password1.fields` steps
  Left {
     { type: 'fields',
        { password1: Left { value0: { type: 'nonEmpty', value: {} } },
          password2: Left { value0: { type: 'nonEmpty', value: {} } } } } }
-- one value missing - error occures during `password2.fields` step
validateAndPrint password (fromFoldable [Tuple "password1" [Just "admin"]])
  Left {
     { type: 'fields',
        { password1: Right { value0: 'admin' },
          password2: Left { value0: { type: 'nonEmpty', value: {} } } } } }
-- non equal passwords - error occures during `equals` step
validateAndPrint password (fromFoldable [Tuple "password1" [Just "admin"], Tuple "password2" [Just "pass"]])
  Left {
     { type: 'equals',
       value: { password1: 'admin', password2: 'pass' } } }
-- correct data
validateAndPrint password (fromFoldable [Tuple "password1" [Just "secret"], Tuple "password2" [Just "secret"]])
  (Right "secret")

Reusing existing validation

Let's assume that our registration process requires these data:

  newtype Registration = Registration
    { nickname  Nickname
    , email  Email
    , password  Password

We can easily build validation reusing our existing password component:

  registration =
    Registration <$> buildRecord
      ((addField (SProxy  SProxy "password") password) >>>
       (addFieldFromQuery (SProxy  SProxy "email") (nonEmptyString >>> email') >>>
       (addFieldFromQuery (SProxy  SProxy "nickname") (Nickname <$> nonEmptyString))))

And like previously if we provide correct input we are going to get just plain value:

    correctData =
        [ Tuple "password1" [Just "pass"]
        , Tuple "password2" [Just "pass"]
        , Tuple "email" [Just ""]
        , Tuple "nickname" [Just "nick"]

  validateAndPrint registration correctData
  (Registration { email: "", nickname: "nick", password: "pass" })

but in case of invalid input...

  passwordMismatch =
      [ Tuple "password1" [Just "wrong"]
      , Tuple "password2" [Just "pass"]
      , Tuple "email" [Just ""]
      , Tuple "nickname" [Just "nick"]

  validateAndPrint registration passwordMismatch

...we are getting precise representation of failure but other data validated:

  Left {
     { password:
        Left {
           { type: 'equals',
             value: { password1: 'wrong', password2: 'pass' } } },
       email: Right { value0: '' },
       nickname: Right { value0: 'nick' } } }


Now let's consider a bit more difficult reusability scenario - we want to provide profile edit form:

  newtype Profile = Profile
    { nickname  Nickname
    , bio  Maybe String
    , age  Maybe Int
    , password  Maybe Password
  derive instance genericProfile ∷ Generic Profile _
  instance showProfile ∷ Show Profile where
    show = genericShow

But in this context we want to validate also case where user leaves two passwords empty. In that case we don't update it's value in our db.

To add this additional scenario we should bulid validator which passes when two values from query (just a recap - type Query = StrMap (Array (Maybe String))) are empty. In this case our final password value should be Nothing. As usual we are going to use pureV constructor which has type pureV ∷ (Monad m) ⇒ (a → Either e b) → Validation m e a b in other words it lifts simple validation function into our validation monad stack. a type is an result from previous validation steps.

Lets build this simple combinator from scratch:

 missingValue   a m. Monad m  String  Validation m Unit Query Query
 missingValue p = check (\query → case lookup p query of
    Just [Nothing] → true
    Just [Just ""] → true
    _ → false)

WAT? Yes, we are considering these THREE values as emtpy ;-)

Now we can validate both passwords using above combinator to form final validation:

  emptyPasswords   a m. Monad m  Validation m Unit Query (Maybe a)
  emptyPasswords = (missingValue "password1" >>> missingValue "password2" >>> pure Nothing)

We can read above Validation (there is also complementary type for "product validation") signature as follows:

  • m - monad which we are using as the context for validation
  • Unit - error type
  • Query - previous validation step result
  • Maybe a - successful validation result type (this a polimorphism doesn't hurt here ;-))

and tag this step too:

  emptyPasswords' = tag (SProxy "emptyPasswords") emptyPasswords

TODO: more docs soon...

  profile =
    Profile <$>
        ((addField (SProxy  SProxy "password") (emptyPasswords' <|> (Just <$> password)) >>>
          addFieldFromQuery (SProxy  SProxy "bio") (scalar <|> pure Nothing) >>>
          addFieldFromQuery (SProxy  SProxy "age") (catMaybesV >>> optional int') >>>
          addFieldFromQuery (SProxy  SProxy "nickname") (Nickname <$> nonEmptyString)))
  onlyNickname =
      [Tuple "nickname" [Just "nick"]])

validateAndPrint profile onlyNickname
(Right (Profile { age: Nothing, bio: Nothing, nickname: "nick", password: Nothing }))
  nicknameAndPassword =
      [ Tuple "nickname" [Just "nick"]
      , Tuple "password1" [Just "new"]
      , Tuple "password2" [Just "new"]
validateAndPrint profile nicknameAndPassword
(Right (Profile { age: Nothing, bio: Nothing, nickname: "nick", password: (Just "new") }))
  nicknameAndPasswordMismatch =
      [ Tuple "nickname" [Just "nick"]
      , Tuple "password1" [Just "wrong"]
      , Tuple "password2" [Just "new"]

validateAndPrint profile nicknameAndPasswordMismatch
  Left {
     { password:
        Left {
           { type: 'equals',
             value: { password1: 'wrong', password2: 'new' } } },
       bio: Right { value0: Nothing {} },
       age: Right { value0: Nothing {} },
       nickname: Right { value0: 'nick' } } }


  • All constructors with ' at the end expects SProxy l as first arguments and do tagging step too

  • All combinators with ' at the end are already tagged


  • Experiment scenario: drop monad instance for ProductValidation and rebuild Applicative instance dependent on b, add apply instance to Result and... write test for applicative validation

  • Use Data.Record.Builder internally

  • Provide more basic validators for http

  • How to do tagging in more principled way? How to return list of error paths?