Sum types with Generics-Rep instances to Variant for free!
First, make a sum type of zero or one argument constructors, and derive generic:
data Fruit = Apple | Banana Int | Kiwi String
derive instance genericFruit :: Generic Fruit _
Then use genericSumToVariant
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
logShow $ genericSumToVariant Apple
logShow $ genericSumToVariant (Banana 3)
logShow $ genericSumToVariant (Kiwi "green")
-- results:
-- (inj @"Apple" {})
-- (inj @"Banana" 3)
-- (inj @"Kiwi" "green")
log $ JSON.writeJSON $ genericSumToVariant Apple
log $ JSON.writeJSON $ genericSumToVariant (Banana 3)
log $ JSON.writeJSON $ genericSumToVariant (Kiwi "green")
-- results:
-- {"type":"Apple","value":{}}
-- {"type":"Banana","value":3}
-- {"type":"Kiwi","value":"green"}
You can see the inferred type in the expectInferred test:
test1 :: Unit
test1 = expectInferred expectedP simpleValue
expectedP = Proxy :: _
( "Apple" :: {}
, "Banana" :: Int
, "Kiwi" :: String
simpleValue = genericSumToVariant Apple