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A library to generate forms for Pux with lens.


bower install purescript-pux-form


Module documentation is published on Pursuit.


Example code is avaliable at

Live version of the example:


Normally when you are making a form, you need to create Events like UpdateUsername UpdatePassword which are binded to form elements, and have to implement related handlers in foldp. This library handles the form generation, all you need is a simple Update event.

Prepare the state

newtype State = State
  { name :: String
  , password :: String
  , biography :: String
  , age :: Int
  , alive :: Boolean

-- Create lens for record
name :: Lens' State String
name = lens (\(State s)-> (\(State s) val-> State s { name = val })

password :: Lens' State String
password = lens (\(State s)-> s.password) (\(State s) val-> State s { password = val })

biography :: Lens' State String
biography = lens (\(State s)-> s.biography) (\(State s) val-> State s { biography = val })

age :: Lens' State Int
age = lens (\(State s)-> s.age) (\(State s) val-> State s { age = val })

alive :: Lens' State Boolean
alive = lens (\(State s)-> s.alive) (\(State s) val-> State s { alive = val })

Setup events

data Event = Replace State
foldp (Replace s) _ = noEffects s

Update the view to render the form

view :: State -> HTML Event
view (s@State s') =
  div do
    p $ text ("Name: "         <>      s'.name)
    p $ text ("Age: "          <> show s'.age)
    p $ text ("Biography: "    <>      s'.biography)
    p $ text ("Password: "     <>      s'.password)
    p $ text ("Alive? "        <> show s'.alive)
    form s fields Replace
  where fields = name                   .\ "Enter name"
              .+ age                    .\ "Enter age" .? (_ < 100)  -- Field with condition
              .+ (asRange age 10 100 2) .\ "Input age as Range"      -- Custom input field
              .+ (asPassword password)  .\ "Enter your password"     -- String in password field
              .+ (asTextArea biography) ./ (b $ text "Enter biography in text area") -- Label with custom HTML
              .+ alive                  .\ "Are you alive?"

The <input> element's type is determined by the data type,

  • String is rendered to <input type="text">
  • Int, Num are rendered to <input type="number">
  • Boolean is rendered to <input type="checkbox">

You can customize the input type by wrapping the lens.

  • asPassword wraps Lens s String and is rendered as <input type="password">
  • asTextArea wraps Lens s String and is rendered as <textarea></textarea>
  • asFile wraps Lens s String and is rendered as <input type="file">
  • asRange wraps Lens s Int and is rendered as <input type="range">
  • asRangeNum wraps Lens s Num and is rendered as <input type="range">

Multiple choice

Mutliple choice input can be created with asDropdown and asDropdown'.

data Gender = Male | Female | Secret
newtype State = State { gender :: Gender }

instance multipleChoiceGender :: MultipleChoice Gender where
  choices = [Male, Female, Secret]

instance showGender :: Show Gender where
  show Male = "Male"
  show Female = "Female"
  show Secret = "Secret"

view s = form s (field $ asDropdown gender) Replace

Or if it is Show a you can supply an Array of a to asDropdown'.

asDropdown' gender [Male, Female, Secret]