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The pub/sub model captures a simple concept - assign "handlers" to an event manager of some kind, and delegate messages to those handlers by issuing events.

This library is an implementation of a trivial pub/sub model for PureScript:

import Queue (newQueue, onQueue, putQueue)

main = do
  q <- newQueue
  onQueue q \x -> logShow x
  putQueue q 1
  putQueue q 2

It tries to immitate similar functionality to Chans from Haskell; but because JavaScript is single-threaded, we have to be creative.

The Queue module provides a set-like perspective on handlers - you can additively register individual event handlers, but can only clear them all at once. The IxQueue module treats handlers as a mapping (a StrMap specifically) instead, allowing you to distinguish which handler receives a message (opposed to broadcasting), or descrepently remove a single handler from the map.

The behavior of this library is such that - if no handlers are registered, then store pending messages first-in-first-out until one is available. Similarly for IxQueue - if the specific handler isn't available, attempt to use the default handler if it exists - if not, store the message for the specific handler (or, in the case of broadcasts, for the default). Unfortunately the IxQueue theory isn't very robust or well-thought out - if you'd like to see a redesign, please don't hesitate to hack!


This library's main goal was to aid in cross-site interopability - almost localized RPC mechanisms - through the Queue.Aff and IxQueue.Aff modules, we can treat message passing at a higher level as procedure invocations:

import Queue.Aff (newIOQueues, registerSync, callAsync)
import Control.Monad.Aff (runAff_)

main = do
  io <- newIOQueues
  registerSync io $ \i -> do
    log $ "input: " <> show i
    let o = i + 1
    log $ "incremented: " <> show o
    pure o
  runAff_ logShow $ do
    result <- callAsync io 20
    liftEff $ log $ "Wow that was a super complicated delegated computation! Result: " <> show result