



#Props_a Source

type Props_a = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, download :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, href :: String, hreflang :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, ping :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), referrerpolicy :: String, requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, target :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, type :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#a Source

a :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_a) => Record attrs -> JSX

#a' Source

a' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_a) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_animate Source

type Props_animate = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, accumulate :: String, additive :: String, alignmentBaseline :: String, attributeName :: String, attributeType :: String, baselineShift :: String, begin :: String, by :: String, calcMode :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, dur :: String, enableBackground :: String, end :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, from :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, href :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, keySplines :: String, keyTimes :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, max :: String, min :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), repeatCount :: String, repeatDur :: String, requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, restart :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, to :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, values :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#animate Source

animate :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_animate) => Record attrs -> JSX

#animate_ Source

#animate' Source

animate' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_animate) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_animateColor Source

type Props_animateColor = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, accumulate :: String, additive :: String, alignmentBaseline :: String, attributeName :: String, attributeType :: String, baselineShift :: String, begin :: String, by :: String, calcMode :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, dur :: String, enableBackground :: String, end :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, from :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, keySplines :: String, keyTimes :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, max :: String, min :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), repeatCount :: String, repeatDur :: String, requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, restart :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, to :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, values :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#animateColor Source

animateColor :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_animateColor) => Record attrs -> JSX

#animateColor_ Source

#animateColor' Source

animateColor' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_animateColor) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_animateMotion Source

type Props_animateMotion = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, accumulate :: String, additive :: String, begin :: String, by :: String, calcMode :: String, children :: Array JSX, dur :: String, end :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, from :: String, href :: String, key :: String, keyPoints :: String, keySplines :: String, keyTimes :: String, max :: String, min :: String, origin :: String, path :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), repeatCount :: String, repeatDur :: String, requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, restart :: String, rotate :: String, systemLanguage :: String, to :: String, values :: String)

#animateMotion Source

animateMotion :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_animateMotion) => Record attrs -> JSX

#animateMotion_ Source

#animateMotion' Source

animateMotion' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_animateMotion) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_animateTransform Source

type Props_animateTransform = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, accumulate :: String, additive :: String, attributeName :: String, attributeType :: String, begin :: String, by :: String, calcMode :: String, children :: Array JSX, dur :: String, end :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, from :: String, href :: String, key :: String, keySplines :: String, keyTimes :: String, max :: String, min :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), repeatCount :: String, repeatDur :: String, requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, restart :: String, systemLanguage :: String, to :: String, type :: String, values :: String)

#animateTransform Source

animateTransform :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_animateTransform) => Record attrs -> JSX

#animateTransform_ Source

#animateTransform' Source

animateTransform' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_animateTransform) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_animation Source

type Props_animation = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, begin :: String, children :: Array JSX, dur :: String, end :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, height :: String, initialVisibility :: String, key :: String, max :: String, min :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), repeatCount :: String, repeatDur :: String, requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, restart :: String, syncBehavior :: String, syncMaster :: String, syncTolerance :: String, systemLanguage :: String, transform :: String, width :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#animation Source

animation :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_animation) => Record attrs -> JSX

#animation_ Source

#animation' Source

animation' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_animation) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_audio Source

type Props_audio = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, begin :: String, children :: Array JSX, dur :: String, end :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, key :: String, max :: String, min :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), repeatCount :: String, repeatDur :: String, requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, restart :: String, syncBehavior :: String, syncMaster :: String, syncTolerance :: String, systemLanguage :: String, type :: String)

#audio Source

audio :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_audio) => Record attrs -> JSX

#audio_ Source

#audio' Source

audio' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_audio) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_canvas Source

type Props_canvas = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, systemLanguage :: String)

#canvas Source

canvas :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_canvas) => Record attrs -> JSX

#canvas_ Source

#canvas' Source

canvas' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_canvas) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_circle Source

type Props_circle = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, cx :: String, cy :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pathLength :: String, pointerEvents :: String, r :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#circle Source

circle :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_circle) => Record attrs -> JSX

#circle_ Source

#circle' Source

circle' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_circle) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_clipPath Source

type Props_clipPath = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipPathUnits :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#clipPath Source

clipPath :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_clipPath) => Record attrs -> JSX

#clipPath_ Source

#clipPath' Source

clipPath' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_clipPath) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_defs Source

type Props_defs = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#defs Source

defs :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_defs) => Record attrs -> JSX

#defs' Source

defs' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_defs) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_desc Source

type Props_desc = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, systemLanguage :: String)

#desc Source

desc :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_desc) => Record attrs -> JSX

#desc' Source

desc' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_desc) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_discard Source

type Props_discard = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, begin :: String, children :: Array JSX, href :: String, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, systemLanguage :: String)

#discard Source

discard :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_discard) => Record attrs -> JSX

#discard_ Source

#discard' Source

discard' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_discard) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_ellipse Source

type Props_ellipse = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, cx :: String, cy :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pathLength :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, rx :: String, ry :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#ellipse Source

ellipse :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_ellipse) => Record attrs -> JSX

#ellipse_ Source

#ellipse' Source

ellipse' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_ellipse) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feBlend Source

type Props_feBlend = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, in2 :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, mode :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feBlend Source

feBlend :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feBlend) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feBlend_ Source

#feBlend' Source

feBlend' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feBlend) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feColorMatrix Source

type Props_feColorMatrix = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, type :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, values :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feColorMatrix Source

feColorMatrix :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feColorMatrix) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feColorMatrix_ Source

#feColorMatrix' Source

feColorMatrix' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feColorMatrix) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feComponentTransfer Source

type Props_feComponentTransfer = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feComponentTransfer Source

feComponentTransfer :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feComponentTransfer) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feComponentTransfer_ Source

#feComponentTransfer' Source

#Props_feComposite Source

type Props_feComposite = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, in2 :: String, k1 :: String, k2 :: String, k3 :: String, k4 :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, operator :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feComposite Source

feComposite :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feComposite) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feComposite_ Source

#feComposite' Source

feComposite' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feComposite) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feConvolveMatrix Source

type Props_feConvolveMatrix = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, bias :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, divisor :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, edgeMode :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, kernelMatrix :: String, kernelUnitLength :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, order :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, preserveAlpha :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, targetX :: String, targetY :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feConvolveMatrix Source

feConvolveMatrix :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feConvolveMatrix) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feConvolveMatrix_ Source

#feConvolveMatrix' Source

feConvolveMatrix' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feConvolveMatrix) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feDiffuseLighting Source

type Props_feDiffuseLighting = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, diffuseConstant :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, kernelUnitLength :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, surfaceScale :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feDiffuseLighting Source

feDiffuseLighting :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feDiffuseLighting) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feDiffuseLighting_ Source

#feDiffuseLighting' Source

feDiffuseLighting' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feDiffuseLighting) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feDisplacementMap Source

type Props_feDisplacementMap = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, in2 :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, scale :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, xChannelSelector :: String, y :: String, yChannelSelector :: String)

#feDisplacementMap Source

feDisplacementMap :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feDisplacementMap) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feDisplacementMap_ Source

#feDisplacementMap' Source

feDisplacementMap' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feDisplacementMap) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feDistantLight Source

type Props_feDistantLight = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, azimuth :: String, children :: Array JSX, elevation :: String, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node))

#feDistantLight Source

feDistantLight :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feDistantLight) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feDistantLight_ Source

#feDistantLight' Source

feDistantLight' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feDistantLight) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feDropShadow Source

type Props_feDropShadow = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, dx :: String, dy :: String, height :: String, in :: String, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, stdDeviation :: String, width :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feDropShadow Source

feDropShadow :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feDropShadow) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feDropShadow_ Source

#feDropShadow' Source

feDropShadow' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feDropShadow) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feFlood Source

type Props_feFlood = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feFlood Source

feFlood :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feFlood) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feFlood_ Source

#feFlood' Source

feFlood' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feFlood) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feFuncA Source

type Props_feFuncA = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, amplitude :: String, children :: Array JSX, exponent :: String, intercept :: String, key :: String, offset :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), slope :: String, tableValues :: String, type :: String)

#feFuncA Source

feFuncA :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feFuncA) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feFuncA_ Source

#feFuncA' Source

feFuncA' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feFuncA) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feFuncB Source

type Props_feFuncB = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, amplitude :: String, children :: Array JSX, exponent :: String, intercept :: String, key :: String, offset :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), slope :: String, tableValues :: String, type :: String)

#feFuncB Source

feFuncB :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feFuncB) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feFuncB_ Source

#feFuncB' Source

feFuncB' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feFuncB) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feFuncG Source

type Props_feFuncG = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, amplitude :: String, children :: Array JSX, exponent :: String, intercept :: String, key :: String, offset :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), slope :: String, tableValues :: String, type :: String)

#feFuncG Source

feFuncG :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feFuncG) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feFuncG_ Source

#feFuncG' Source

feFuncG' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feFuncG) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feFuncR Source

type Props_feFuncR = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, amplitude :: String, children :: Array JSX, exponent :: String, intercept :: String, key :: String, offset :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), slope :: String, tableValues :: String, type :: String)

#feFuncR Source

feFuncR :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feFuncR) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feFuncR_ Source

#feFuncR' Source

feFuncR' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feFuncR) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feGaussianBlur Source

type Props_feGaussianBlur = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, edgeMode :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stdDeviation :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feGaussianBlur Source

feGaussianBlur :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feGaussianBlur) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feGaussianBlur_ Source

#feGaussianBlur' Source

feGaussianBlur' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feGaussianBlur) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feImage Source

type Props_feImage = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, crossorigin :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, href :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feImage Source

feImage :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feImage) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feImage_ Source

#feImage' Source

feImage' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feImage) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feMerge Source

type Props_feMerge = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feMerge Source

feMerge :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feMerge) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feMerge_ Source

#feMerge' Source

feMerge' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feMerge) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feMergeNode Source

type Props_feMergeNode = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, in :: String, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node))

#feMergeNode Source

feMergeNode :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feMergeNode) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feMergeNode_ Source

#feMergeNode' Source

feMergeNode' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feMergeNode) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feMorphology Source

type Props_feMorphology = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, operator :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, radius :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feMorphology Source

feMorphology :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feMorphology) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feMorphology_ Source

#feMorphology' Source

feMorphology' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feMorphology) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feOffset Source

type Props_feOffset = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, dx :: String, dy :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feOffset Source

feOffset :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feOffset) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feOffset_ Source

#feOffset' Source

feOffset' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feOffset) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_fePointLight Source

type Props_fePointLight = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), x :: String, y :: String, z :: String)

#fePointLight Source

fePointLight :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_fePointLight) => Record attrs -> JSX

#fePointLight_ Source

#fePointLight' Source

fePointLight' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_fePointLight) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feSpecularLighting Source

type Props_feSpecularLighting = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, kernelUnitLength :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, specularConstant :: String, specularExponent :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, surfaceScale :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feSpecularLighting Source

feSpecularLighting :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feSpecularLighting) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feSpecularLighting_ Source

#feSpecularLighting' Source

feSpecularLighting' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feSpecularLighting) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feSpotLight Source

type Props_feSpotLight = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, limitingConeAngle :: String, pointsAtX :: String, pointsAtY :: String, pointsAtZ :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), specularExponent :: String, x :: String, y :: String, z :: String)

#feSpotLight Source

feSpotLight :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feSpotLight) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feSpotLight_ Source

#feSpotLight' Source

feSpotLight' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feSpotLight) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feTile Source

type Props_feTile = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feTile Source

feTile :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feTile) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feTile_ Source

#feTile' Source

feTile' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feTile) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_feTurbulence Source

type Props_feTurbulence = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baseFrequency :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, numOctaves :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), result :: String, seed :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stitchTiles :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, type :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#feTurbulence Source

feTurbulence :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feTurbulence) => Record attrs -> JSX

#feTurbulence_ Source

#feTurbulence' Source

feTurbulence' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_feTurbulence) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_filter Source

type Props_filter = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, filterRes :: String, filterUnits :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, primitiveUnits :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#filter Source

filter :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_filter) => Record attrs -> JSX

#filter_ Source

#filter' Source

filter' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_filter) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_foreignObject Source

type Props_foreignObject = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#foreignObject Source

foreignObject :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_foreignObject) => Record attrs -> JSX

#foreignObject_ Source

#foreignObject' Source

foreignObject' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_foreignObject) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_g Source

type Props_g = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#g Source

g :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_g) => Record attrs -> JSX

#g' Source

g' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_g) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_handler Source

type Props_handler = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, externalResourcesRequired :: String, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), type :: String)

#handler Source

handler :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_handler) => Record attrs -> JSX

#handler_ Source

#handler' Source

handler' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_handler) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_iframe Source

type Props_iframe = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, systemLanguage :: String)

#iframe Source

iframe :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_iframe) => Record attrs -> JSX

#iframe_ Source

#iframe' Source

iframe' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_iframe) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_image Source

type Props_image = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, crossorigin :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, href :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, type :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#image Source

image :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_image) => Record attrs -> JSX

#image_ Source

#image' Source

image' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_image) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_line Source

type Props_line = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pathLength :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x1 :: String, x2 :: String, y1 :: String, y2 :: String)

#line Source

line :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_line) => Record attrs -> JSX

#line' Source

line' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_line) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_linearGradient Source

type Props_linearGradient = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, gradientTransform :: String, gradientUnits :: String, href :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), shapeRendering :: String, spreadMethod :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x1 :: String, x2 :: String, y1 :: String, y2 :: String)

#linearGradient Source

linearGradient :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_linearGradient) => Record attrs -> JSX

#linearGradient_ Source

#linearGradient' Source

linearGradient' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_linearGradient) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_listener Source

type Props_listener = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, defaultAction :: String, event :: String, handler :: String, key :: String, observer :: String, phase :: String, propagate :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), target :: String)

#listener Source

listener :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_listener) => Record attrs -> JSX

#listener_ Source

#listener' Source

listener' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_listener) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_marker Source

type Props_marker = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerHeight :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, markerUnits :: String, markerWidth :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, orient :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), refX :: String, refY :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, viewBox :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#marker Source

marker :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_marker) => Record attrs -> JSX

#marker_ Source

#marker' Source

marker' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_marker) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_mask Source

type Props_mask = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, maskContentUnits :: String, maskUnits :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#mask Source

mask :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_mask) => Record attrs -> JSX

#mask' Source

mask' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_mask) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_metadata Source

type Props_metadata = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, systemLanguage :: String)

#metadata Source

metadata :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_metadata) => Record attrs -> JSX

#metadata_ Source

#metadata' Source

metadata' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_metadata) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_mpath Source

type Props_mpath = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, externalResourcesRequired :: String, href :: String, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node))

#mpath Source

mpath :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_mpath) => Record attrs -> JSX

#mpath_ Source

#mpath' Source

mpath' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_mpath) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_path Source

type Props_path = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, d :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pathLength :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#path Source

path :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_path) => Record attrs -> JSX

#path' Source

path' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_path) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_pattern Source

type Props_pattern = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, href :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, patternContentUnits :: String, patternTransform :: String, patternUnits :: String, pointerEvents :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, viewBox :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#pattern Source

pattern :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_pattern) => Record attrs -> JSX

#pattern_ Source

#pattern' Source

pattern' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_pattern) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_polygon Source

type Props_polygon = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pathLength :: String, pointerEvents :: String, points :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#polygon Source

polygon :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_polygon) => Record attrs -> JSX

#polygon_ Source

#polygon' Source

polygon' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_polygon) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_polyline Source

type Props_polyline = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pathLength :: String, pointerEvents :: String, points :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#polyline Source

polyline :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_polyline) => Record attrs -> JSX

#polyline_ Source

#polyline' Source

polyline' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_polyline) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_prefetch Source

type Props_prefetch = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, bandwidth :: String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, mediaCharacterEncoding :: String, mediaContentEncodings :: String, mediaSize :: String, mediaTime :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node))

#prefetch Source

prefetch :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_prefetch) => Record attrs -> JSX

#prefetch_ Source

#prefetch' Source

prefetch' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_prefetch) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_radialGradient Source

type Props_radialGradient = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, cx :: String, cy :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, fr :: String, fx :: String, fy :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, gradientTransform :: String, gradientUnits :: String, href :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, r :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), shapeRendering :: String, spreadMethod :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#radialGradient Source

radialGradient :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_radialGradient) => Record attrs -> JSX

#radialGradient_ Source

#radialGradient' Source

radialGradient' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_radialGradient) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_rect Source

type Props_rect = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pathLength :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, rx :: String, ry :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#rect Source

rect :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_rect) => Record attrs -> JSX

#rect' Source

rect' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_rect) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_script Source

type Props_script = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, crossorigin :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, href :: String, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), type :: String)

#script Source

script :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_script) => Record attrs -> JSX

#script_ Source

#script' Source

script' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_script) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_set Source

type Props_set = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, attributeName :: String, attributeType :: String, begin :: String, children :: Array JSX, dur :: String, end :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, href :: String, key :: String, max :: String, min :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), repeatCount :: String, repeatDur :: String, requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, restart :: String, systemLanguage :: String, to :: String)

#set Source

set :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_set) => Record attrs -> JSX

#set' Source

set' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_set) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_stop Source

type Props_stop = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, offset :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#stop Source

stop :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_stop) => Record attrs -> JSX

#stop' Source

stop' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_stop) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_style Source

type Props_style = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, media :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), title :: String, type :: String)

#style Source

style :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_style) => Record attrs -> JSX

#style_ Source

#style' Source

style' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_style) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_svg Source

type Props_svg = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baseProfile :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, contentScriptType :: String, contentStyleType :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, playbackOrder :: String, playbackorder :: String, pointerEvents :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, shapeRendering :: String, snapshotTime :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, syncBehaviorDefault :: String, syncToleranceDefault :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, timelineBegin :: String, timelinebegin :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, version :: String, viewBox :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String, zoomAndPan :: String)

#svg Source

svg :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_svg) => Record attrs -> JSX

#svg' Source

svg' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_svg) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_switch Source

type Props_switch = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#switch Source

switch :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_switch) => Record attrs -> JSX

#switch_ Source

#switch' Source

switch' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_switch) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_symbol Source

type Props_symbol = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), refX :: String, refY :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, viewBox :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#symbol Source

symbol :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_symbol) => Record attrs -> JSX

#symbol_ Source

#symbol' Source

symbol' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_symbol) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_tbreak Source

type Props_tbreak = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, systemLanguage :: String)

#tbreak Source

tbreak :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_tbreak) => Record attrs -> JSX

#tbreak_ Source

#tbreak' Source

tbreak' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_tbreak) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_text Source

type Props_text = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, dx :: String, dy :: String, editable :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, lengthAdjust :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, rotate :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textLength :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#text Source

text :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_text) => Record attrs -> JSX

#text' Source

text' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_text) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_textArea Source

type Props_textArea = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, editable :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, height :: String, key :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, systemLanguage :: String, transform :: String, width :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#textArea Source

textArea :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_textArea) => Record attrs -> JSX

#textArea_ Source

#textArea' Source

textArea' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_textArea) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_textPath Source

type Props_textPath = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, href :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, lengthAdjust :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, method :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, path :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, shapeRendering :: String, side :: String, spacing :: String, startOffset :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textLength :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String)

#textPath Source

textPath :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_textPath) => Record attrs -> JSX

#textPath_ Source

#textPath' Source

textPath' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_textPath) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_title Source

type Props_title = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, systemLanguage :: String)

#title Source

title :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_title) => Record attrs -> JSX

#title_ Source

#title' Source

title' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_title) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_tspan Source

type Props_tspan = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, dx :: String, dy :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, lengthAdjust :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, rotate :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textLength :: String, textRendering :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#tspan Source

tspan :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_tspan) => Record attrs -> JSX

#tspan_ Source

#tspan' Source

tspan' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_tspan) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_unknown Source

type Props_unknown = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, key :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, systemLanguage :: String)

#unknown Source

unknown :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_unknown) => Record attrs -> JSX

#unknown_ Source

#unknown' Source

unknown' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_unknown) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_use Source

type Props_use = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, alignmentBaseline :: String, baselineShift :: String, children :: Array JSX, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipRule :: String, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, cursor :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, enableBackground :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, height :: String, href :: String, imageRendering :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, mask :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, opacity :: String, overflow :: String, pointerEvents :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, shapeRendering :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, systemLanguage :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textRendering :: String, transform :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, visibility :: String, width :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#use Source

use :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_use) => Record attrs -> JSX

#use' Source

use' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_use) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_video Source

type Props_video = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, begin :: String, children :: Array JSX, dur :: String, end :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, focusHighlight :: String, focusable :: String, height :: String, initialVisibility :: String, key :: String, max :: String, min :: String, navDown :: String, navDownLeft :: String, navDownRight :: String, navLeft :: String, navNext :: String, navPrev :: String, navRight :: String, navUp :: String, navUpLeft :: String, navUpRight :: String, overlay :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), repeatCount :: String, repeatDur :: String, requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, requiredFonts :: String, requiredFormats :: String, restart :: String, syncBehavior :: String, syncMaster :: String, syncTolerance :: String, systemLanguage :: String, transform :: String, transformBehavior :: String, type :: String, width :: String, x :: String, y :: String)

#video Source

video :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_video) => Record attrs -> JSX

#video_ Source

#video' Source

video' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_video) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)

#Props_view Source

type Props_view = (_aria :: Object String, _data :: Object String, children :: Array JSX, externalResourcesRequired :: String, key :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, ref :: Ref (Nullable Node), viewBox :: String, viewTarget :: String, zoomAndPan :: String)

#view Source

view :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_view) => Record attrs -> JSX

#view' Source

view' :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (SharedSVGProps Props_view) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)