


#textf Source

textf :: Array Fragment -> JSX

formats the given fragments

#textf' Source

textf' :: Fragment -> JSX

format the given fragment

Re-exports from React.Basic.DOM.Textf.Date

#packDate Source

#date Source

date :: forall r l. Union l r DatePropsRow => Record l -> Date -> Fragment

Re-exports from React.Basic.DOM.Textf.DateTime

#dateTime Source

dateTime :: forall r l. Union l r DateTimePropsRow => Record l -> DateTime -> Fragment

Re-exports from React.Basic.DOM.Textf.DateTimeFormat

#yyyy Source

yyyy :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String

Jear full - like 2020

#ss Source

ss :: forall a. HasTime a => a -> String

Seconds with two digits

#s Source

s :: forall a. String -> a -> String


#mmmm Source

mmmm :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String

Month full text - like January, Februrary, ...

#mmm Source

mmm :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String

Month short text - like Jan, Feb, ...

#mm Source

mm :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String

Month with two digits

#mi Source

mi :: forall a. HasTime a => a -> String

Minutes with two digits

#m Source

m :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String

Month with digits

#hh Source

hh :: forall a. HasTime a => a -> String

Hours with two digits - in 24h format

#dddd Source

dddd :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String

Day of month full text - like Monday, Tuesday, ...

#ddd Source

ddd :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String

Day of month short text - like Mon, Tue ...

#dd Source

dd :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String

Day of month - two digits

#d Source

d :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String

Day of month - with digits

Re-exports from React.Basic.DOM.Textf.Integer

#packInt Source

#int Source

int :: forall r l. Union l r IntPropsRow => Record l -> Int -> Fragment

Re-exports from React.Basic.DOM.Textf.Jsx

#jsx Source

jsx :: JSX -> Fragment

simple wrapper to include React.Basic.DOM elements

Re-exports from React.Basic.DOM.Textf.Num

#num Source

num :: forall r l. Union l r NumPropsRow => Record l -> Number -> Fragment

Re-exports from React.Basic.DOM.Textf.Styles.Font

#fontSize Source

#fontLighter Source

#fontItalic Source

#fontBolder Source

#fontBold Source

Re-exports from React.Basic.DOM.Textf.Styles.Text

#textUnderline Source

Re-exports from React.Basic.DOM.Textf.Text

#text Source

text :: forall r l. Union l r TextPropsRow => Record l -> String -> Fragment

Re-exports from React.Basic.DOM.Textf.Time

#time Source

time :: forall r l. Union l r TimePropsRow => Record l -> Time -> Fragment

#packTime Source