


This module is deprecated and may be removed in the next major version.

#component Source

component :: forall state props. { displayName :: String, initialState :: Record state, receiveProps :: { props :: Record props, setState :: (Record state -> Record state) -> Effect Unit, state :: Record state } -> Effect Unit, render :: { props :: Record props, setState :: (Record state -> Record state) -> Effect Unit, state :: Record state } -> JSX } -> ReactComponent (Record props)

Supports a common subset of the v2 API to ease the upgrade process

#stateless Source

stateless :: forall props. { displayName :: String, render :: Record props -> JSX } -> ReactComponent (Record props)

Supports a common subset of the v2 API to ease the upgrade process

Re-exports from React.Basic

#JSX Source

data JSX :: Type

Represents rendered React VDOM (the result of calling React.createElement in JavaScript).

JSX is a Monoid:

  • append
    • Merge two JSX nodes using React.Fragment.
  • mempty
    • The empty node; renders nothing.

Hint: Many useful utility functions already exist for Monoids. For example, guard can be used to conditionally render a subtree of components.


#keyed Source

keyed :: String -> JSX -> JSX

Apply a React key to a subtree. React-Basic usually hides React's warning about using key props on components in an Array, but keys are still important for any dynamic lists of child components.

See also: React's documentation regarding the special key prop

#fragment Source

fragment :: Array JSX -> JSX

Render an Array of children without a wrapping component.

See also: JSX

#empty Source

empty :: JSX

An empty JSX node. This is often useful when you would like to conditionally show something, but you don't want to (or can't) modify the children prop on the parent node.

See also: JSX, Monoid guard

#elementKeyed Source

elementKeyed :: forall props. ReactComponent (Record props) -> { key :: String | props } -> JSX

Create a JSX node from a ReactComponent, by providing the props and a key.

This function is for non-React-Basic React components, such as those imported from FFI.

See also: ReactComponent, element, React's documentation regarding the special key prop

#element Source

element :: forall props. ReactComponent (Record props) -> Record props -> JSX

Create a JSX node from a ReactComponent, by providing the props.

This function is for non-React-Basic React components, such as those imported from FFI.

See also: ReactComponent, elementKeyed