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You finally scored a record deal.

Usage guide

Assert two records have the same keys with SameKeys

-- An example of a function that requires `{|r1}` and `{|r2}` to have the same keys
sameKeys :: forall r1 r2. SameKeys r1 r2 => {|r1} -> {|r2} -> Unit
sameKeys _ _ = unit
let _ = sameKeys { b: "hi", a: 4, c: 4 } { b: "hu", a: "ha" }
-- Won't compile: The key "c" is missing from the second record

Merge records with //

Easily merge two records:

{ a: 5, b: "B" } // { b: false, c: "c" }
-- { a: 5, b: false, c: "c" }

This is similar to the ... operator in ES6:


import Record.Studio ((//))
rec1 = { a: 1 }
rec2 = { b: 4, c: 8 }
result = rec1 // rec2


const rec1 = { a: 1 }
const rec2 = { b: 4, c: 8 }
const result = { ...rec1, ...rec2 }

Shrink records with shrink

Easily adjust a record with too many keys:

import Record.Studio (shrink)
-- We want to call this
-- fn :: { a :: Int } -> Int

-- We have this
myRec :: { a :: Int, b :: String }
myRec = { a: 4, b: "Hello!" }

-- Use shrink!
result = fn (shrink myRec)

Get a record's keys at runtime with keys

import Record.Studio (keys)

theKeys :: Array String
theKeys = keys { a: 3, b: "ooh" }
-- ["a", "b"]


Recursively sequence a type constructor out of a record.

    input :: SequenceInput
    input =
    { a: Just 10
    , b: "hello"
    , c:
        { d: Just "world"
        , e: true
        , f: { g: Just true }
    , h: 10

    expected :: Maybe SequenceOutput
    expected = Just
    { a: 10
    , b: "hello"
    , c:
        { d: "world"
        , e: true
        , f: { g: true }
    , h: 10
(sequenceRecord input) `shouldEqual` expected


Recursively map a function over a record.

    input :: MapInput
    input =
    { a: 10
    , b: "hello"
    , c:
        { d: Just "world"
        , e: 20
        , f: { g: true, h: 30 }
    , i: 40

    f :: Int -> String
    f i = show (i + 1)

    expected :: MapOutput
    expected =
    { a: "11"
    , b: "hello"
    , c:
        { d: Just "world"
        , e: "21"
        , f: { g: true, h: "31" }
    , i: "41"
(mapRecord f input) `shouldEqual` expected


Recursively map a natural transformation over a record.

    input :: MapKInput
    input =
    { a: Right 10
    , b: "hello"
    , c:
        { d: Left "world"
        , e: 20
        , f: { g: Right true, h: Left "broken" }
    , i: Just 40

    nt :: Either String ~> Maybe
    nt = hush

    expected :: MapKOutput
    expected =
    { a: Just 10
    , b: "hello"
    , c:
        { d: Nothing
        , e: 20
        , f: { g: Just true, h: Nothing }
    , i: Just 40
(mapRecordKind nt input) `shouldEqual` expected


This is a fork of heterogeneous-extrablatt, which is licenced under MIT. See the original licence. This work is similarly licenced under MIT. It includes part of purescript-record-extra as an inline dependency, which is licenced under MIT, see original licence.