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PureScript Spec is a testing framework for Purescript, inspired by hspec.



  • 8.0.0

    • runSpec renamed to runSpecPure.
    • runSpecT renamed to evalSpecT.
    • Old versions of runSpec and runSpecT are left in, but deprecated, with the warning pointing to runSpecAndExitProcess from spec-node.
    • Added spec-node docs.
  • 7.6.1

    • Upgraded to Spago Next
    • Dropped support for Pulp and Bower
  • 7.5.1

    • Support for filtering the test tree #139
      • Breaking: the Tree type got a new type parameter, representing node annotations. Previously nodes were always annotated with String (meaning test/group name), now it's a parameter.
    • Integration tests #138
    • Better, more honest support for failFast #140
  • 7.4.1

    • Diff support for TeamCity reporter by @Neppord #136
    • failFast config option to stop on first failure by @fsoikin #137
  • 7.3.0

  • 7.2.0

    • Added a reporter for TeamCity by @Neppord
    • Use unsafeRegex instead of methods from purescript-partial to create a regex by @toastal
  • 7.1.0

    • Added the AnyShow newtype wrapper for asserting on values that don't have a Show instance. By @sigma-andex and @i-am-the-slime in #125
  • 4.0.0

    • Rename run and run' to runSpec and runSpecM.
    • Run tests in Aff instead of Effect.
    • New assertions:
      • Aff: expectError, shouldReturn, shouldNotReturn
      • String: shouldContain, shouldNotContain, shouldStartWith, shouldEndWith
    • Parallel test execution / parallel and sequential combinators
    • Hooks: aroundWith, around, around_, before, before_, beforeWith, beforeAll, beforeAll_, after, after_, afterAll, afterAll_
    • Upgrade to PureScript 0.13.x.
  • 3.1.0

    • Add shouldSatisfy assertion and complement, add exit flag to runner config
  • 3.0.0

    • Upgrade to PureScript 0.12.x, which is non-backwards compatible to 0.11.x.
  • 2.0.0

    • Update to purescript-aff 4
  • 1.0.0

    • No additions from 0.14.0.
  • 0.14.0

    • Remove unused "slow" from Dot reporter config
  • 0.13.0

    • Upgrade to PureScript 0.11.x, which is non-backwards compatible to 0.10.x.
  • 0.12.4

    • Upgrade to purescript-pipes 2.1.0
  • 0.12.3

    • Export and document run' function (for configuration), fixes #38
  • 0.12.2

    • Reexport common reporters in Test.Spec.Reporter module, fixes #37
  • 0.12.1

    • Move array of results to runner event, fixes #36
  • 0.12.0

    • Again support multiple reporters, fixes #33
  • 0.11.0

    • Publish The Guide on GitHub pages
    • Collapse result entries in Maps to deduplicate describes, fixes #9
    • Reimplement Node reporters and runner using purescript-pipes. An upgrade might require a change in your main type signature. The type Test.Spec.Runner.RunnerEffects makes it more convenient to specify all effect rows:
      • When using regular specs, use main :: Effect Unit
      • When using purescript-spec-discovery, use main :: Effect Unit
  • 0.10.0

    • Defer test execution with Aff to have greater control. Test runners can either collect and run all tests, and then report their results, using the provided run and Reporter interface, or they can implement the test run in another way by collecting a Spec and running the Affs in some special way.
  • 0.9.0

    • Upgrade dependencies to 2.x
    • Require PureScript 0.10.x
  • 0.8.0

    • Compatibility with PureScript 0.9.1
  • 0.7.5

    • Bump dependency versions.
  • 0.7.4

    • Use purescript-node-process instead of custom PROCESS effect.
  • 0.7.2

    • Update purescript-strings for PS 0.7.4 compatibility.
    • Make all dependencies flexible.
    • Fix case statements to remove warnings.
  • 0.7.1

  • 0.7.0

    • Rename runNode to run and place it in Test.Spec.Runner.
    • Support browser testing.
  • 0.6.2

    • Add more assertions.
  • 0.6.1

    • Fix bug in shouldContain assertion for strings.
  • 0.6.0

    • Adapt for PureScript 0.7 compatibility.
  • 0.5.0

    • Make reporters pluggable.
  • 0.4.0

    • Add async support in it using Aff.


If you have any issues or possible improvements please file them as GitHub Issues. Pull requests are encouraged.


MIT License.


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