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Turbine is a purely functional frontend framework powered by classic FRP.

  • Concise and powerful thanks to FRP.
  • No big global state/model. Everything is incapsulated in components.
  • Type-safe communication between views and models.
  • Model logic and view code is kept seperate for logic-less views.

Table of contents


Single counter

single counter GIF

counterModel {increment, decrement} init = do
  let changes = (increment $> 1) <> (decrement $> -1)
  count <- sample $ scan (+) init changes
  pure {count}

counterView {count} =
  E.text "Counter " </>
  E.span (E.textB $ map show count) </>
  E.button "+" `output` (\o -> {increment:}) </>
  E.button "-" `output` (\o -> {decrement:})

counter = modelView counterModel counterView

main = runComponent "#mount" (counter 0)

List of counters

Show a list of counters. New counters can be added to the list. Existing counters can be deleted. The aggregated sum of all the counters is shown.

list of counters GIF

counterModel {increment, decrement, delete} id = do
  let changes = (increment $> 1) <> (decrement $> -1)
  count <- sample $ scan (+) 0 changes
  pure {count, delete: delete $> id}

counterView {count} =
  E.div (
    E.text "Counter" </>
    E.span (E.textB $ map show count) </>
    E.button "+" `output` (\o -> {increment:}) </>
    E.button "-" `output` (\o -> {decrement:}) </>
    E.button "x" `output` (\o -> {delete:})

counter = modelView counterModel counterView

counterListModel {addCounter, listOut} init = do
  let sum = listOut >>= (map (_.count) >>> foldr (lift2 (+)) (pure 0))

  let removeId = map (fold <<< map (_.delete)) listOut
  let removeCounter = map (\i -> filter (i /= _)) (switchStream removeId)

  nextId <- sample $ scanS (+) 0 (addCounter $> 1)
  let appendCounter = cons <$> nextId

  counterIds <- sample $ scan ($) init (appendCounter <> removeCounter)
  pure {sum, counterIds}

counterListView {sum, counterIds} =
  E.div (
    E.h1 (E.text "Counters") </>
    E.span (E.textB (map (\n -> "Sum " <> show n) sum)) </>
    E.button "Add counter" `output` (\o -> {addCounter:}) </>
    list counter counterIds id `output` (\o -> {listOut: o})

counterList = modelView counterListModel counterListView

main = runComponent "#mount" (counterList [0])


The following installs Hareactive and Turbine. Hareactive is the FRP library that Turbine builds upon and is a hard dependency.

npm i @funkia/hareactive
bower install --save purescript-hareactive
npm i @funkia/turbine
bower install --save purescript-turbine


This is a hands-on tutorial in which we build a simple application. The core concepts in Turbine are introduced along the way. Turbine is based on functional reactive programming (FRP). In particular it uses the FRP library Hareactive. This tutorial assumes no prior experience with FRP and hence it can also be seen as an introduction to FRP.

If you want to you can follow along the tutorial yourself. You can do so by cloning the Turbine starter template.

git clone turbine-tutorial
cd turbine-tutorial
npm i

You can then run npm run build and aftewards you should see the text "Hello, world!" if you open the index.html file in a browser. Along the way you should make changes to the file src/Main.purs.


The central type in Turbine is Component. A Component represents a piece of user interface. For instance, that could be an input field or a button. More concretely a Component is a description on how to create a piece of HTML. Components are composable. Hence an input field and a button can be composed together and the result is another component. A Turbine application is "components all the way down".

The Component type has the following kind.

Component :: Type -> Type -> Type

That is, it is parameterized by two types. The purpose of those are explained later.

Creating simple HTML

Turbine contains functions for creating components that correspond to single HTML elements. These live in the module Turbine.HTML.Elements which is typically import qualified like this.

import Turbine.HTML.Elements as E

For each HTML element the module exports a corresponding function. For the HTML element div there is a function div, for the span element there is a span function, and so on. The first argument to these functions is a record of attributes. If the HTML element supports children then the corresponding function takes a second argument as well which is a component. Here are a few examples.

myInput = E.input { placeholder: "Write here", class: "form-input" }
myButton = E.button {} (E.text "Click me")
myDivWithButton = E.div { class: "div-class" } myButton

The text function used above takes a string an returns a component corressponding to a text node of the string.

Components are composed together with the </> operator. As a first approximation </> is similar to the semigroup operator <>. However, the type of </> is slightly different as we will see later. Writing component1 </> component2 creates a new component which represents the HTML from the first component followed by the HTML for the second component. Here is an example.

const myLoginForm =
  E.input { placeholder: "Username" } </>
  E.input { placeholder: "Password" } </>
  E.label {} (E.text "Remember login") </>
  E.input { type: "checkbox" }

If you add the following to the code in Main.purs and change Main into the following.

-app = E.text "Hello, world!"
+app = myLoginForm

Then you should see HTML corresponding to the following.

<input placeholder="Username" />
<input placeholder="Password" />
<label>Remember login</label>
<input type="checkbox" />

By combining </> with the fact that the element function accept a child component as their second argument we can create arbitrary HTML. Now, let us create the HTML which we will use going forward.

counterView = 
  E.div {} (
    E.text "Counter " </>
    E.span {} (E.text "0") </>
    E.button {} (E.text "+") </>
    E.button {} (E.text "-")

Here we have hardcoded the value 0 into the user interface. The intended outcome is that the displayed number is dynamic and increments every time the + button is pressed and decrements every time the - button is pressed. But, before we can implement that we need to learn a little bit of FRP.

A short interlude on FRP

Functional reactive programming contains two key data-types Behavior and Stream.

Note: What we call Stream is often called Event in other FRP libraries.

A Behavior represents a value that changes over time. For instance, Behavior Number represents a changing number and Behavior String represents a changing string.

A Stream represents events or occurrences that happens at specific moments in time.

The difference between behaviors and streams can be illustrated as below.

illustration of behavior and stream

As the image indicates a behavior can be seen a function from time. That is, at any specific moment in time it has a value. A stream on the other hand only has values, or occurrences, at specific punctuations in time.

Dynamic HTML

In the counter component above we hard-coded the value 0 into the view. The goal is that the displayed number should change over time. And, as mentioned, in FRP we use behaviors to represent values that change over time. Thus, we parametize the HTML above such that it takes as agument a record of a behavior of the type Behavior Number.

counterView { count } = 
  E.div {} (
    E.text "Counter " </>
    E.span {} (E.textB (map show count)) </>
    E.button {} (E.text "+") </>
    E.button {} (E.text "-")

We also changed E.text "0" into E.textB (map show count). The textB function is similar to text except that instead of taking an argument of type String it takes an argument of type Behavior String. It then returns a component that describes dynamic HTML. At any point in time the value of the text node will have the same value as the behavior.


Recall that the Component type is parameterized by two types. The first of these is called the components selected output and the second is called the available output.

Model view
