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Why? Because Either forces you to use one error type

Either is defined (and often used) like so:

data Either errorType valueType
    = Left errorType
    | Right valueType

However, it's not extensible. The errorType must always be the same. This can be annoying when one is using Either in a monadic way:

foo :: Either SameErrorType
foo = do
  a <- stringOrFailWithErrorType1
  b <- stringOrFailWithErrorType2 -- uh-oh! Compiler error!
  pure $ doSomethingWith a b

One way around this is to use a nested Either type (e.g. `Either3), but this comes at the cost of extra layers of "boxing:"

import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Either.Nested (Either5)
import Data.Either.Inject (inj)

-- Syntactic sugar to help here...
foo :: Either5 a b c d e
foo = inj d

-- but it comes down to this
bar :: Either a (Either b (Either c (Either d e)))
bar = Right (Right (Right (Left d)))

One could reduce the amount of boxing by using Variant. However, Variant does not have a Monad instance, so one cannot use the "do notation" in the original example above.

This library enables one to use all the type classes of Either (except Eq1 and Ord1, which haven't yet been implemented) but with the extensible error type capaility of Variant.

How? By hard-coding one of the rows in Variant to work like Right and leaving the others to work like Left

What if you took Variant and provided a newtype around it that hard-coded one of the rows to something that functions like Either's Right constructor (e.g. ("_" :: a)) and then made it extensible, so that the other rows function like an extensible Left constructor (e.g. ("_" :: a | errorRows))? You get Veither, a Variant-based version of Either.

newtype Veither errorRows a = Veither (Variant ("_" :: a | errorRows))
-- `=~=` means 'isomorphic to'
-- Veither () a =~= a
-- Veither (foo :: Int) a =~= Either Int a
-- Veither (foo :: Int, bar :: String) a =~= Either Int (Either String a)

Now we can write our monadic Either code without the 'same error type' restriction:

type PossibleErrors = (a :: ErrorType1, b :: ErrorType2)

foo :: Veither PossibleErrors String
foo = do
  a <- stringOrFailWithErrorType1
  b <- stringOrFailWithErrorType2 -- not a problem!
  pure $ doSomethingWith a b

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  -- if you would use `fromRight` (or some other
  -- `Either` function) for `Either`, 
  -- add a 'v' in front of it and you have the
  -- corresponding function name for `Veither`
  log $ vfromRight handleFailure foo 
  handleFailure :: Variant PossibleErrors -> String
  handleFailure =
      # on _a (const "error type 1 happened")
      # on _b (const "error type 2 happened")


Why use "_" as the label of a?

While it likely doesn't do much, I thought it would lessen the impact on the runtime checking since checking whether this Variant's type matches another occurs frequently. I also didn't want to restrict the possible names one could use in the error types.