Low-level bindings for the ECMA 402 specification for the Intl
object https://tc39.es/ecma402/#intl-object
Assuming these imports
module Example where
import Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Array.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.JSDate as JSDate
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console as Console
import Partial.Unsafe as Unsafe
import Web.Intl.Collator as Collator
import Web.Intl.DateTimeFormat as DateTimeFormat
import Web.Intl.Locale as Locale
import Web.Intl.NumberFormat as NumberFormat
we can construct a Locale
using the new
or new_
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
en_US <- Locale.new_ "en-US"
All service constructors take a non-empty array of locales as first argument.
let locales = NonEmpty.singleton en_US
Now we can use the Collator
module to sort a collection of strings by natural sort order,
collator <- Collator.new locales { numeric: true }
sortedStrings =
Array.sortBy (Collator.compare collator) [ "Chapter 1", "Chapter 11", "Chapter 2" ]
Console.logShow sortedStrings -- [ "Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", "Chapter 11" ]
or we can format a range of dates using DateTimeFormat
dateTimeFormat <- DateTimeFormat.new locales { dateStyle: "medium", timeZone: "UTC" }
maybeDate1 = JSDate.toDateTime (JSDate.fromTime 1689500000000.0)
maybeDate2 = JSDate.toDateTime (JSDate.fromTime 1689832837416.0)
formattedDateRange = Unsafe.unsafePartial case maybeDate1, maybeDate2 of
Just date1, Just date2 -> DateTimeFormat.formatRange dateTimeFormat date1 date2
Console.logShow formattedDateRange -- "Jul 16 – 20, 2023"
or use NumberFormat
for formatting currencies for example.
numberFormat <- NumberFormat.new locales { style: "currency", currency: "USD" }
formattedNumber = NumberFormat.format numberFormat 123456.789
Console.logShow formattedNumber -- "$123,456.79"
More examples are in the Test.Main