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length :: String -> Int

Returns the number of code points in the string. Operates in constant space and in time linear to the length of the string.

>>> length "b 𝐀𝐀 c 𝐀"
-- compare to Data.String:
>>> length "b 𝐀𝐀 c 𝐀"
P purescript-strings M Data.String.CodePoints
length :: String -> Int

Returns the number of characters the string is composed of.

length "Hello World" == 11
P purescript-strings M Data.String.CodeUnits
isIP' :: String -> Int

Returns 4 if the String is a valid IPv4 address, 6 if the String is a valid IPv6 address, and 0 otherwise.

P purescript-node-net M Node.Net
length :: Warn (Text "DEPRECATED: `Data.String.Utils.length`") => String -> Int

DEPRECATED: This function is now available in purescript-strings.

Return the number of Unicode code points in a string. Note that this function correctly accounts for Unicode symbols that are made up of surrogate pairs. If you want a simple wrapper around JavaScript's string.length property, you should use the Data.String.CodeUnits.length function from purescript-strings.

length "PureScript" == 10
length "ℙ∪𝕣ⅇႽ𝚌𝕣ⅈ𝚙†" == 10    -- 14 with `Data.String.length`
P purescript-stringutils M Data.String.Utils
toCodePoint :: String -> Int

Return the Unicode code point of a character. This function uses String instead of Char because PureScript Chars must be UTF-16 code units and hence cannot represent all Unicode code points.


toCodePoint '∀' == 8704
P purescript-stringutils M Data.Char.Utils
binParseInt :: String -> Int
P purescript-teller M Data.Teller.HeartbeatGen
cyrb53 :: String -> Int
P purescript-graphqlclient M GraphQLClient.Cyrb53
fromRoman :: String -> Int
P purescript-roman M Data.Roman.Convert
midiPitch :: String -> Int
P purescript-soundfonts M Audio.SoundFont.Gleitz
degree :: forall a. EuclideanRing a => a -> Int
P purescript-prelude M Data.EuclideanRing
crashWith :: forall a. Partial => String -> a

A partial function which crashes on any input with the specified message.

P purescript-partial M Partial
unsafeCrashWith :: forall a. String -> a

A function which crashes with the specified error message.

P purescript-partial M Partial.Unsafe
defaultFromEnum :: forall a. Enum a => a -> Int

Provides a default implementation for fromEnum.

  • Assumes toEnum 0 = Just bottom.
  • Cannot be used in conjuction with defaultPred.

Runs in O(n) where n is fromEnum a.

P purescript-enums M Data.Enum
fromEnum :: forall a. BoundedEnum a => a -> Int
P purescript-enums M Data.Enum
genericFromEnum :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericBoundedEnum rep => a -> Int

A Generic implementation of the fromEnum member from the BoundedEnum type class.

P purescript-enums M Data.Enum.Generic
genericFromEnum' :: forall a. GenericBoundedEnum a => a -> Int
P purescript-enums M Data.Enum.Generic
unsafeThrow :: forall a. String -> a

Defined as unsafeThrowException <<< error.

P purescript-exceptions M Effect.Exception.Unsafe
impossible :: forall a. String -> a
P purescript-variant M Data.Variant.Internal
toInt :: forall n. Nat n => n -> Int
P purescript-typelevel M Data.Typelevel.Num.Sets
fromString :: forall s. IsString s => String -> s
P purescript-css M CSS.String
url :: forall a. URL a => String -> a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
hash :: forall a. Hashable a => a -> Int
P purescript-unordered-collections M Data.Hashable
fromString :: forall a. IsString a => String -> a
P purescript-yarn M Data.String.Yarn
readDefault :: forall a. Read a => Zero a => String -> a

Read a value a from a String but fallback on Zero a on failure

P purescript-read M Data.String.Read
arity :: forall a. Display a => a -> Int
P purescript-sparse-polynomials M Data.Sparse.Polynomial
eventPhaseIndex :: forall e. IsEvent e => e -> Int

The integer value for the current event phase.

P purescript-dom-classy M DOM.Classy.Event
length :: forall a. a -> Int

Gets the length of a pseudoarray

P purescript-ffi-simple M FFI.Simple.PseudoArray
nodeTypeIndex :: forall n. IsNode n => n -> Int

The numeric value for the type of a node.

P purescript-dom-classy M DOM.Classy.Node
unsafeGlobal :: forall t. String -> t

Like global, but for when you're really sure it exists and are willing to tolerate it being quietly undefined (or plan to use the Undef module functions)

P purescript-ffi-simple M FFI.Simple.Globals
stringValue :: forall a. Value a => String -> a
P purescript-markdown M Text.Markdown.SlamDown.Syntax.Value
childCount :: forall n. IsParent n => n -> Int

Returns the number of child Elements

P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Parent
string :: forall t. Corecursive t EJsonF => String -> t
P purescript-ejson M Data.Json.Extended
_zOrder :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> Int
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.GraphObject.Panel.Part.Properties
cooldown :: forall a. Coolsdown a => a -> Int
P purescript-screeps-classy M Screeps.Coolsdown
depositLeft :: forall a. Deposit a => a -> Int
P purescript-screeps-classy M Screeps.Deposit
energy :: forall a. Refillable a => a -> Int
P purescript-screeps-classy M Screeps.Refillable
energyCapacity :: forall a. Refillable a => a -> Int
P purescript-screeps-classy M Screeps.Refillable
fromString :: forall a. Utf8Encodable a => String -> a
P purescript-crypt-nacl M Crypt.NaCl.Class
fromString :: forall a. Utf8Encodable a => String -> a
P purescript-tweetnacl M Crypt.NaCl.Class
getUuid :: forall m. HasUuid m => m -> Int
P purescript-liminal M Classes.HasUuid
hits :: forall d. Destructible d => d -> Int
P purescript-screeps-classy M Screeps.Destructible
hitsMax :: forall d. Destructible d => d -> Int
P purescript-screeps-classy M Screeps.Destructible
ident :: forall f t. Corecursive t (SqlF f) => String -> t
P purescript-sql-squared M SqlSquared.Constructors
interp :: forall a. Interp a => String -> a

Use the derived function, i, instead of this function to do string interpolation. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error if the first value is not a String:

interp "a" 42 true == "a42true"
i      "a" 42 true == "a42true"

interp 42 "a" -- does not compile!
i      42 "a" -- compiles!
P purescript-interpolate M Data.Interpolate
length :: forall r. Fold LenS r (Int -> Int) => r -> Int
P purescript-record-fold M Data.Record.Fold
parse :: forall a. Router a => String -> a
P purescript-grain-router M Grain.Router
parseError :: forall e. OwoifyError e => String -> e

Representing general parser error. Currently not used.

P purescript-owoify M Data.Owoify.Internal.Parser.OwoifyParser
parseSlot' :: forall a. EmptyableSlot a => String -> a
P purescript-easy-alexa M EasyAlexa
progress :: forall a. Progress a => a -> Int
P purescript-screeps-classy M Screeps.Progress
progressTotal :: forall a. Progress a => a -> Int
P purescript-screeps-classy M Screeps.Progress