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uncons :: forall a. Array a -> Maybe { head :: a, tail :: Array a }

Break an array into its first element and remaining elements.

Using uncons provides a way of writing code that would use cons patterns in Haskell or pre-PureScript 0.7:

f (x : xs) = something
f [] = somethingElse


f arr = case uncons arr of
  Just { head: x, tail: xs } -> something
  Nothing -> somethingElse
P purescript-arrays M Data.Array
uncons :: forall a. NonEmptyArray a -> { head :: a, tail :: Array a }
P purescript-arrays M Data.Array.NonEmpty
uncons :: forall a. List a -> Maybe { head :: a, tail :: List a }

Break a list into its first element, and the remaining elements, or Nothing if the list is empty.

Running time: O(1)

P purescript-lists M Data.List
uncons :: forall a. List a -> Maybe { head :: a, tail :: List a }

Break a list into its first element, and the remaining elements, or Nothing if the list is empty.

Running time: O(1)

P purescript-lists M Data.List.Lazy
uncons :: forall a. NonEmptyList a -> { head :: a, tail :: List a }
P purescript-lists M Data.List.Lazy.NonEmpty
uncons :: forall a. NonEmptyList a -> { head :: a, tail :: List a }
P purescript-lists M Data.List.NonEmpty
uncons :: forall f a. Monad f => ListT f a -> f (Maybe (Tuple a (ListT f a)))

Perform the first step of a computation in the ListT monad.

P purescript-transformers M Control.Monad.List.Trans
uncons :: String -> Maybe { head :: CodePoint, tail :: String }

Returns a record with the first code point and the remaining code points of the string. Returns Nothing if the string is empty. Operates in constant space and time.

>>> uncons "𝐀𝐀 c 𝐀"
Just { head: CodePoint 0x1D400, tail: "𝐀 c 𝐀" }
>>> uncons ""
P purescript-strings M Data.String.CodePoints
uncons :: String -> Maybe { head :: Char, tail :: String }

Returns the first character and the rest of the string, if the string is not empty.

uncons "" == Nothing
uncons "Hello World" == Just { head: 'H', tail: "ello World" }
P purescript-strings M Data.String.CodeUnits
uncons :: NonEmptyString -> { head :: CodePoint, tail :: Maybe NonEmptyString }
P purescript-strings M Data.String.NonEmpty.CodePoints
uncons :: NonEmptyString -> { head :: Char, tail :: Maybe NonEmptyString }

Returns the first character and the rest of the string.

uncons "a" == { head: 'a', tail: Nothing }
uncons "Hello World" == { head: 'H', tail: Just (NonEmptyString "ello World") }
P purescript-strings M Data.String.NonEmpty.CodeUnits
uncons :: forall h t s. Cons h t s => Proxy s -> { head :: Proxy h, tail :: Proxy t }
P purescript-typelevel-prelude M Type.Data.Symbol
uncons :: forall a. CatList a -> Maybe (Tuple a (CatList a))

Decompose a catenable list into a Tuple of the first element and the rest of the catenable list.

Running time: O(1)

Note that any single operation may run in O(n).

P purescript-catenable-lists M Data.CatList
uncons :: forall a. CatQueue a -> Maybe (Tuple a (CatQueue a))

Decompose a queue into a Tuple of the first element and the rest of the queue.

Running time: O(1)

Note that any single operation may run in O(n).

P purescript-catenable-lists M Data.CatQueue
uncons :: forall s1 s2 a. Pred s1 s2 => Vec s1 a -> { head :: a, tail :: Vec s2 a }

Get the head and the tail of a non-empty vector.

P purescript-sized-vectors M Data.Vec
uncons :: ByteString -> Maybe { head :: Octet, tail :: ByteString }

Θ(n) Unprepend a byte.

P purescript-bytestrings M Data.ByteString
uncons :: TokenList -> UnconsToken
P purescript-language-cst-parser M PureScript.CST.Range.TokenList
uncons :: forall a. OSet a -> Maybe { head :: a, tail :: OSet a }
P purescript-ordered-set M Data.Set.Ordered
uncons :: forall a. Seq a -> Maybe (Tuple a (Seq a))

O(1). If the sequence is nonempty, take one element off its left side and return that together with the rest of the original sequence. Otherwise, return Nothing.

P purescript-sequences M Data.Sequence
uncons :: forall a. Seq a -> Tuple a (Seq a)

O(1). Take one element off the left side of a Seq and return it, together with the (possibly empty) remainder of the Seq.

P purescript-sequences M Data.Sequence.NonEmpty
uncons :: Bits -> { head :: Bit, tail :: Bits }
P purescript-binary M Data.Binary.Bits
uncons :: forall t6. List t6 -> (List t6) /\ (Maybe t6)
P purescript-polyform M Polyform.Tokenized
uncons :: forall a. ArrayView a -> Maybe { head :: a, tail :: ArrayView a }


P purescript-array-views M Data.ArrayView
uncons :: forall a. NonEmptyArrayView a -> { head :: a, tail :: ArrayView a }
P purescript-array-views M Data.ArrayView.NonEmpty
uncons :: forall a. List a -> { head :: a, tail :: List a }
P purescript-infinite-lists M Data.List.Infinite
uncons :: forall a. List a -> Maybe { head :: a, tail :: List a }

Break a list into its first element and remaining elements.

Running time: O(1)

P purescript-rrb-list M RRBList
uncons :: forall a rest r f l. IsSymbol l => Cons l (Proxy2 f) rest r => SProxy l -> Smash r a -> Exists (Uncons f rest a)
P purescript-smash M Data.Smash

The result of extracting a single interpreter from a Smash product.

P purescript-smash M Data.Smash
Uncons :: forall f x r a. (f x) -> (Smash r (x -> a)) -> Uncons f r a x
P purescript-smash M Data.Smash
uncons :: forall a. SortedArray a -> Maybe { head :: a, tail :: SortedArray a }

Deconstructs the array to a head and tail, or returns Nothing if the array is empty.

P purescript-sorted-arrays M Data.SortedArray
uncons :: forall a u. Unfoldable u => Trivial a -> Maybe (a /\ (u a))

Returns the first element and a new Unfoldable generating the remaining elements, or Nothing if there are no elements.

P purescript-trivial-unfold M Data.Unfoldable.Trivial
P purescript-typelevel-eval M Type.Eval.Row
P purescript-typelevel-eval M Type.Eval.Row
uncons :: forall t a. Unconsable t => t a -> Maybe { head :: a, tail :: t a }
P purescript-unconsable M Data.Unconsable
uncons :: forall b. Ord b => List b -> Maybe { head :: b, tail :: List b }
P purescript-unique-lists M Data.List.Unique
uncons' :: forall r. r -> (SourceToken -> TokenList -> r) -> TokenList -> r
P purescript-language-cst-parser M PureScript.CST.Range.TokenList
uncons1 :: forall a u. Unfoldable u => Trivial1 a -> a /\ (u a)

Returns the first element, and an Unfoldable of the remaining elements.

P purescript-trivial-unfold M Data.Unfoldable1.Trivial1.Internal
uncons1 :: forall s t e. Unconsable1 s t => s e -> { head :: e, tail :: t e }
P purescript-unconsable M Data.Unconsable.NonEmpty
unconsH :: forall a w' w h. Pred w w' => Pos h => Pos w => Matrix h w a -> { head :: Vec h a, tail :: Matrix h w' a }
> unconsH $ matrix22 1 2 3 4
{ head: [1,3], tail: 
  [4] }
P purescript-sized-matrices M Data.Matrix.Operations
unconsV :: forall a h' w h. Pred h h' => Pos h => Pos w => Matrix h w a -> { head :: Vec w a, tail :: Matrix h' w a }
> unconsV $ matrix22 1 2 3 4
{ head: [1,2], tail: 
  [3,4] }
P purescript-sized-matrices M Data.Matrix.Operations
UnconsDone :: UnconsToken
P purescript-language-cst-parser M PureScript.CST.Range.TokenList
UnconsMore :: SourceToken -> TokenList -> UnconsToken
P purescript-language-cst-parser M PureScript.CST.Range.TokenList

Type class for data structures which can be unconsed + some utilities built on top of it

The only requirement for instances of this class is that checkUnconsableLaws must return true for all possible values.

checkUnconsableLaws t =
  unconsableLength t == length t :: Int
P purescript-unconsable M Data.Unconsable
unconsPath :: Request -> Tuple (Maybe String) Request

Gets the next segment from the request path if available and returns it along with a scoped request. Useful when routing the request.

P purescript-nodetrout M Nodetrout.Internal.Request
P purescript-language-cst-parser M PureScript.CST.Range.TokenList

The user should interpret Unconsable1 s t constraint as "s is a non-empty container which can be converted to a possibly empty container t".

P purescript-unconsable M Data.Unconsable.NonEmpty
P purescript-unconsable M Data.Unconsable
P purescript-unconsable M Data.Unconsable.NonEmpty
P purescript-unconsable M Data.Unconsable