


Conversion of an ABC tune to MIDI.

#toMidi Source

toMidi :: AbcTune -> List Byte

Transform the ABC into raw MIDI

#toMidiAtBpm Source

toMidiAtBpm :: AbcTune -> Int -> List Byte

Transform the ABC into raw MIDI but at the modified tempo defined by the new BPM (beats per minute)

#toMidiRecording Source

toMidiRecording :: AbcTune -> Recording

Transform ABC into a MIDI recording.

#toMidiRecordingAtBpm Source

toMidiRecordingAtBpm :: AbcTune -> Int -> Recording

Transform ABC into a MIDI recording but at the modified tempo defined by the new BPM (beats per minute)

Re-exports from Data.Abc.Midi.Pitch

#MidiPitch Source

type MidiPitch = Int

The pitch of a note expressed as a MIDI interval.

#toMidiPitch Source

toMidiPitch :: ModifiedKeySignature -> Accidentals -> AbcNote -> MidiPitch

Convert an ABC note pitch to a MIDI pitch.

AbcNote - the note in question ModifiedKeySignature - the key signature (possibly modified by extra accidentals) Accidentals - any notes in this bar which have previously been set explicitly to an accidental which are thus inherited by this note MidiPitch - the resulting pitch of the MIDI note