


#log Source

log :: forall eff. String -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit

Write a message to the console. Shorthand for liftEff $ log x.

#logShow Source

logShow :: forall eff a. Show a => a -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit

Write a value to the console, using its Show instance to produce a String. Shorthand for liftEff $ logShow x.

#warn Source

warn :: forall eff. String -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit

Write a warning to the console. Shorthand for liftEff $ warn x.

#warnShow Source

warnShow :: forall eff a. Show a => a -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit

Write a warning value to the console, using its Show instance to produce a String. Shorthand for liftEff $ warnShow x.

#error Source

error :: forall eff. String -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit

Write an error to the console. Shorthand for liftEff $ error x.

#errorShow Source

errorShow :: forall eff a. Show a => a -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit

Write an error value to the console, using its Show instance to produce a String. Shorthand for liftEff $ errorShow x.

#info Source

info :: forall eff. String -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit

Write an info message to the console. Shorthand for liftEff $ info x.

#infoShow Source

infoShow :: forall eff a. Show a => a -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit

Write an info value to the console, using its Show instance to produce a String. Shorthand for liftEff $ infoShow x.

Re-exports from Control.Monad.Eff.Console


data CONSOLE :: Effect

The CONSOLE effect represents those computations which write to the console.