


#Affjax Source

type Affjax a = Aff (AffjaxResponse a)

The result type for Affjax requests.

#AffjaxRequest Source

type AffjaxRequest = { content :: Maybe Request, headers :: Array RequestHeader, method :: Either Method CustomMethod, password :: Maybe String, url :: URL, username :: Maybe String, withCredentials :: Boolean }

#AffjaxResponse Source

type AffjaxResponse a = { headers :: Array ResponseHeader, response :: a, status :: StatusCode, statusText :: String }

The type of records that will be received as an Affjax response.

#URL Source

type URL = String

Type alias for URL strings to aid readability of types.

#affjax Source

affjax :: forall a. Response a -> AffjaxRequest -> Affjax a

Makes an Affjax request.

#get Source

get :: forall a. Response a -> URL -> Affjax a

Makes a GET request to the specified URL.

#post Source

post :: forall a. Response a -> URL -> Request -> Affjax a

Makes a POST request to the specified URL, sending data.

#post_ Source

post_ :: URL -> Request -> Affjax Unit

Makes a POST request to the specified URL, sending data and ignoring the response.

#post' Source

post' :: forall a. Response a -> URL -> Maybe Request -> Affjax a

Makes a POST request to the specified URL with the option to send data.

#post_' Source

post_' :: URL -> Maybe Request -> Affjax Unit

Makes a POST request to the specified URL with the option to send data, and ignores the response.

#put Source

put :: forall a. Response a -> URL -> Request -> Affjax a

Makes a PUT request to the specified URL, sending data.

#put_ Source

put_ :: URL -> Request -> Affjax Unit

Makes a PUT request to the specified URL, sending data and ignoring the response.

#put' Source

put' :: forall a. Response a -> URL -> Maybe Request -> Affjax a

Makes a PUT request to the specified URL with the option to send data.

#put_' Source

put_' :: URL -> Maybe Request -> Affjax Unit

Makes a PUT request to the specified URL with the option to send data, and ignores the response.

#delete Source

delete :: forall a. Response a -> URL -> Affjax a

Makes a DELETE request to the specified URL.

#delete_ Source

delete_ :: URL -> Affjax Unit

Makes a DELETE request to the specified URL and ignores the response.

#patch Source

patch :: forall a. Response a -> URL -> Request -> Affjax a

Makes a PATCH request to the specified URL, sending data.

#patch_ Source

patch_ :: URL -> Request -> Affjax Unit

Makes a PATCH request to the specified URL, sending data and ignoring the response.

#patch' Source

patch' :: forall a. Response a -> URL -> Maybe Request -> Affjax a

Makes a PATCH request to the specified URL with the option to send data.

#patch_' Source

patch_' :: URL -> Maybe Request -> Affjax Unit

Makes a PATCH request to the specified URL with the option to send data, and ignores the response.

#RetryDelayCurve Source

type RetryDelayCurve = Int -> Milliseconds

A sequence of retry delays, in milliseconds.

#RetryPolicy Source

type RetryPolicy = { delayCurve :: RetryDelayCurve, shouldRetryWithStatusCode :: StatusCode -> Boolean, timeout :: Maybe Milliseconds }

Expresses a policy for retrying Affjax requests with backoff.

#defaultRetryPolicy Source

defaultRetryPolicy :: RetryPolicy

A sensible default for retries: no timeout, maximum delay of 30s, initial delay of 0.1s, exponential backoff, and no status code triggers a retry.

#retry Source

retry :: forall a. RetryPolicy -> (AffjaxRequest -> Affjax a) -> AffjaxRequest -> Affjax a

Retry a request using a RetryPolicy. After the timeout, the last received response is returned; if it was not possible to communicate with the server due to an error, then this is bubbled up.