


This module defines a data type and various functions for creating and manipulating JSON values. The README contains additional documentation for this module.

#Json Source

data Json :: Type

The type of JSON data. The underlying representation is the same as what would be returned from JavaScript's JSON.parse function; that is, ordinary JavaScript booleans, strings, arrays, objects, etc.


#caseJson Source

caseJson :: forall a. (Unit -> a) -> (Boolean -> a) -> (Number -> a) -> (String -> a) -> (Array Json -> a) -> (Object Json -> a) -> Json -> a

Case analysis for Json values. See the README for more information.

#caseJsonNull Source

caseJsonNull :: forall a. a -> (Unit -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was null, and a default value for all other cases.

#caseJsonBoolean Source

caseJsonBoolean :: forall a. a -> (Boolean -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was a Boolean, and a default value for all other cases.

#caseJsonNumber Source

caseJsonNumber :: forall a. a -> (Number -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was a Number, and a default value for all other cases.

#caseJsonString Source

caseJsonString :: forall a. a -> (String -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was a String, and a default value for all other cases.

#caseJsonArray Source

caseJsonArray :: forall a. a -> (Array Json -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was a Array Json, and a default value for all other cases.

#caseJsonObject Source

caseJsonObject :: forall a. a -> (Object Json -> a) -> Json -> a

A simpler version of caseJson which accepts a callback for when the Json argument was an Object, and a default value for all other cases.

#isNull Source

isNull :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is the null value

#isBoolean Source

isBoolean :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is a Boolean

#isNumber Source

isNumber :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is a Number

#isString Source

isString :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is a String

#isArray Source

isArray :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is an Array

#isObject Source

isObject :: Json -> Boolean

Check if the provided Json is an Object

#fromBoolean Source

fromBoolean :: Boolean -> Json

Construct Json from a Boolean value

#fromNumber Source

fromNumber :: Number -> Json

Construct Json from a Number value

#fromString Source

fromString :: String -> Json

Construct Json from a String value. If you would like to parse a string of JSON into valid Json, see jsonParser.

#fromArray Source

fromArray :: Array Json -> Json

Construct Json from an array of Json values

#fromObject Source

fromObject :: Object Json -> Json

Construct Json from an object with Json values

#toNull Source

toNull :: Json -> Maybe Unit

Convert Json to the Unit value if the Json is the null value

#toBoolean Source

toBoolean :: Json -> Maybe Boolean

Convert Json to a Boolean value, if the Json is a boolean.

#toNumber Source

toNumber :: Json -> Maybe Number

Convert Json to a Number value, if the Json is a number.

#toString Source

toString :: Json -> Maybe String

Convert Json to a String value, if the Json is a string. To write a Json value to a JSON string, see stringify.

#toArray Source

toArray :: Json -> Maybe (Array Json)

Convert Json to an Array of Json values, if the Json is an array.

#toObject Source

toObject :: Json -> Maybe (Object Json)

Convert Json to an Object of Json values, if the Json is an object.

#jsonNull Source

jsonNull :: Json

The JSON null value represented as Json

#jsonTrue Source

jsonTrue :: Json

The true boolean value represented as Json

#jsonFalse Source

jsonFalse :: Json

The false boolean value represented as Json

#jsonZero Source

jsonZero :: Json

The number zero represented as Json

#jsonEmptyString Source

jsonEmptyString :: Json

An empty string represented as Json

#jsonEmptyArray Source

jsonEmptyArray :: Json

An empty array represented as Json

#jsonSingletonArray Source

jsonSingletonArray :: Json -> Json

Constructs a Json array value containing only the provided value

#jsonEmptyObject Source

jsonEmptyObject :: Json

An empty object represented as Json

#jsonSingletonObject Source

jsonSingletonObject :: String -> Json -> Json

Constructs a Json object value containing only the provided key and value

#stringify Source

stringify :: Json -> String

Converts a Json value to a JSON string. To retrieve a string from a Json string value, see fromString.