


Bonsai HTML Element Helpers

These helper functions are borrowed from Elm, the actual DSL was "inspired" by Smolder.

#body Source

body :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

HTML body element

#section Source

section :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A (major) section in a document

#nav Source

nav :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A section that contains only navigation links

#article Source

article :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Self-contained content that could exist independently.

#aside Source

aside :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Content that is loosely related to the page.

If it is removed, the remaining content still makes sense.

#h1 Source

h1 :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Html header

#h2 Source

h2 :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Html header

#h3 Source

h3 :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Html header

#h4 Source

h4 :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Html header

#h5 Source

h5 :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Html header

#h6 Source

h6 :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Html header

#header Source

header :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Header of a page or section.

#footer Source

footer :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Footer of a page or section.

#address Source

address :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A section containing contact information.

#main_ Source

main_ :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Main or important content in the document.

There is only one main element in the document.

#main Source

main :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Main or important content in the document.

There is only one main element in the document.

#p Source

p :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

The content should be displayed as a paragraph.

#hr Source

hr :: forall msg. MarkupT msg

A thematic break between paragraphs of a section or article or any longer content.

#pre_ Source

pre_ :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Indictes that its content is preformattet and the format must be preserved.

#blockquote Source

blockquote :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents content that is quoted from another source

#ol Source

ol :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Ordered list of items (li)

#ul Source

ul :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Unordered list of items (li)

#li Source

li :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

An item of an enumeration list.

#dl Source

dl :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Definition List, a list of terms and their definitions

#dt Source

dt :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A term in a definitions list

#dd Source

dd :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A definition in a definition list

#figure Source

figure :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A figure illustrated as part of the document

#figcaption Source

figcaption :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Legend for a figure.

#div_ Source

div_ :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Generic container with no special meaning. Also div.

#div Source

div :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Generic container with no special meaning.

This clashes with a function from the prelude, so either use div_ or "import Prelude hiding (div)"

#a Source

a :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents a link to another resource.

#em Source

em :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents emphasized text, like a stress accent.

#strong Source

strong :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents especially important text.

#small Source

small :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents a side comment e.g. text like a disclaimer or copyright. Not essential to comprehension of the document.

#s Source

s :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents content that is no longer accurate or relevant.

#cite Source

cite :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents the title of a work.

#q Source

q :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

An inline quotation.

#dfn Source

dfn :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A term whose definition is contained in its nearest ancestore.

#abbr Source

abbr :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

An abbreviation or acronym, the expansion can be given in the title attribute.

#time Source

time :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A data and time value, the machine-readable representation can be give in the datetime attribute.

#code Source

code :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents computer code.

#var Source

var :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents a variable

#samp Source

samp :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents output of a program or computer.

#kbd Source

kbd :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents user input, often from the keyboard.

#sub Source

sub :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT


#sup Source

sup :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT


#i Source

i :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents text in some alternate voice or mood.

Used with bootstrap et. al. for icons

#b Source

b :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Text to which attention should be drawn for utilarian purposes.

It's bold, the non-semantic strong

#u Source

u :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Underline with no predefined semantics

#mark Source

mark :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Text highlighted for reference purposes, i.e. for relevance in another context.

#ruby Source

ruby :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Ruby annotations, ???

#rt Source

rt :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Ruby annotations, ???

#rp Source

rp :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Ruby annotations, ???

#bdi Source

bdi :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Content with bidirectional text formatting.

#bdo Source

bdo :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents bidirectionality of its children in order to override the unicode bidirectional algorithm.

#span Source

span :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Text with no specific meaning.

#br Source

br :: forall msg. MarkupT msg

Line break.

#wbr Source

wbr :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Line break opportunity

#ins Source

ins :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Defines an addition to the document.

#del Source

del :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Defines a deletion from the document.

#img Source

img :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

An image (URL given by src attribute)

#iframe Source

iframe :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Embedded HTML document

#embed Source

embed :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Integration point for external application or content.

#object Source

object :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents external resource that may be processed by a plugin

#param Source

param :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Parameters for plugins invoked by object.

#video Source

video :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents a video

#audio Source

audio :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents a sound or audio stream.

#source Source

source :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Allows specification of alternative media resources for video or audio.

#track Source

track :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Timed text tracks for audio or video content

#canvas Source

canvas :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Bitmap area for graphics rendering.

#math Source

math :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Mathematical formule

#table Source

table :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

HTML Table

#caption Source

caption :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Caption for a table

#colgroup Source

colgroup :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Colgroup for a table

#col Source

col :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents a column of a table.

#tbody Source

tbody :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Table body - contains the data rows

#thead Source

thead :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Table header - contains headers rows explaining the data

#tfoot Source

tfoot :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Table footer

#tr Source

tr :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A table row

#td Source

td :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A cell in a a table row.

#th Source

th :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A cell in a table header.

#form Source

form :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A submittable form

#fieldset Source

fieldset :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents a set of controls in (usually) a form

#legend Source

legend :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

The caption for a fieldset.

#label Source

label :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

The caption for a form control

#input Source

input :: forall msg. MarkupT msg

Typed data field allowing the user to edit the data.

#button Source

button :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A button that can be clicked.

#select Source

select :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Control that allows section among a set of options

#datalist Source

datalist :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A predefined set of options for other controls.

#optgroup Source

optgroup :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A set of options, logically grouped.

#option Source

option :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A option in a select tag, or a suggestion in a datalist

#textarea Source

textarea :: forall msg. MarkupT msg

A multiline text edit control.

#keygen Source

keygen :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A key-pair generator control.

#output Source

output :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents the result of a computation.

#progress Source

progress :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents the completion progress of a task.

#meter Source

meter :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents a scalar measurement with a known range.

#details Source

details :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

Represents a widget from which the user can obtaion additional input or controls.

#summary Source

summary :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A summary for a given details.

#menuitem Source

menuitem :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A command the user can invoke.

#menu Source

menu :: MarkupT ~> MarkupT

A list of invokable commands