


Re-exports from React.Router.Class

#RoutePropsClass Source

class RoutePropsClass props arg | props -> arg where

The RoutePropsClass type class let one extend the properties passed to each RouteClass react class component. There is one instance RouteProps defined in the React.Router.Type module. The mkProps member function receives the name of the route and an nonempty array of args read from the url. You can use React.Router.Utils.last function to get the last element of the array with arguments obtained from the corrsponding url part.


Re-exports from React.Router.Components

#linkSpec Source

linkSpec :: RouterConfig -> ReactSpec LinkProps Unit ()

ReactSpec for the link element; it takes a record of type LinkProps as properties. The props record property is directly passed to underlying a element, e.g. this can be used to add css classes.

#link' Source

link' :: RouterConfig -> String -> Array ReactElement -> ReactElement

as link, but with empty properties passed to the underlying a element.

#goTo Source

goTo :: forall eff. RouterConfig -> String -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE, dom :: DOM, history :: HISTORY | eff) Unit

#browserRouterClass Source

browserRouterClass :: forall notfound arg props. RoutePropsClass props arg => RouterConfig -> ReactClass (RouterProps props arg notfound)

React class for the browerRouter element. Use it to init your application.

 router = ... :: Router _
 main = void $ elm >>= render (createElement browserRouterClass {router, notFound: Nothing} [])
     elm = do
       elm_ <- window >>= document >>= getElementById (ElementId "app") <<< documentToNonElementParentNode <<< htmlDocumentToDocument
       pure $ unsafePartial fromJust (toMaybe elm_)

#browserRouter Source

browserRouter :: forall notfound arg props eff. RoutePropsClass props arg => RouterConfig -> ReactSpec (RouterProps props arg notfound) RouterState (console :: CONSOLE, dom :: DOM, history :: HISTORY | eff)

ReactSpec for the browserRouterClass - the main entry point react class for the router.

Re-exports from React.Router.Routing

#runRouter Source

runRouter :: forall arg props. RoutePropsClass props arg => String -> Cofree List (Tuple (Route props arg) (Maybe (IndexRoute props arg))) -> Maybe ReactElement

Main entry point for running Router, it returns ReactElement that can be injected into React vDOM.

#matchRouter Source

matchRouter :: forall arg props. RoutePropsClass props arg => Route -> Router props arg -> Maybe (Cofree List (LeafVal props arg))

Re-exports from React.Router.Types

#RouterConfig Source

newtype RouterConfig



#Router Source

type Router props arg = RoutePropsClass props arg => Cofree List (Tuple (Route props arg) (Maybe (IndexRoute props arg)))


router :: Router RouteProps Unit
router =
  Route "main" (unit <$ lit "") mainClass :+
    (Route "home" (unit <$ lit "home") homeClass :+ Nil)
    : (Tuple (Route "user" (unit <$ (lit "user" *> int)) userClass) (Just $ IndexRoute "user-index" userIndexClass) :<
        (Route "book" (unit <$ (lit "books" *> int)) bookClass :+
          (Route "pages" (unit <$ lit "pages") pagesClass :+
            (Route "page" (unit <$ int) pageClass :+ Nil)
            : Nil)
          : Nil)
        : Nil)
    : (Route "user-settings" (unit <$ (lit "user" *> int *> lit "settings")) settingsClass :+ Nil)
    : Nil

#RouteProps Source

newtype RouteProps arg

RouteProps type keeps track route related data: id, currently matched argument and array of arguments - if the route is nested this will hold list of all parent arguments.



#RouteClass Source

type RouteClass props arg = RoutePropsClass props arg => ReactClass (props arg)

React component which will be mounted at matching node It recieves array of all matching routes.

#Route Source

data Route props arg

Route type The first parameter is an identifier.



#IndexRoute Source

data IndexRoute props arg

IndexRoute type The first parameter is the id property.


#withoutIndex Source

withoutIndex :: forall arg props. RoutePropsClass props arg => Route props arg -> List (Cofree List (Tuple (Route props arg) (Maybe (IndexRoute props arg)))) -> Cofree List (Tuple (Route props arg) (Maybe (IndexRoute props arg)))

#urlLens Source

urlLens :: forall arg props. RoutePropsClass props arg => Lens' (Route props arg) (Match arg)

#(:+) Source

Operator alias for React.Router.Types.withoutIndex (right-associative / precedence 5)

:+ lets define routes without index route