


#Easing Source

type Easing = Number -> Number -> Number -> Number

The Easing type is just to make the code a bit easier to read. We can call the three inputs, "start", "end", and "progress", respectively. The "progress" is a number (usually) between 0 and 1, indicating how far through the animation we are (0 being the start, and 1 being the end). The "start" and "end" values are the actual values between which we're easing. The result is simply what the value would be at that point in the progress!

#out Source

out :: Easing -> Easing

All the easings "ease in". For example, the elastic easing will be elastic around the end of the animation, rather than the beginning. Sometimes, however, you want the opposite. Well, as luck would have it, we have the function for you! Simply, this flips the inputs and progress for an easing function, so you can use out circular just as you'd use circular.

#inAndOut Source

inAndOut :: Easing -> Easing

With all these in and out escapades, you might find yourself with a longing - a yearning - for symmetry. Be afflicted no more: inAndOut will take a function, and mirror it, such that it will ease in and out in exactly the same way.

#polynomial Source

polynomial :: Number -> Easing

Polynomial easing. polynomial 1 is your run-of-the-mill linear easing, start-to-end moving at a constant speed, yawn. However, the 1 can be replaced with other numbers, and that value will be the power to which progress is lifted. As it goes up, entry and exit will become steeper. Somewhere between 1 and 5 is usually pretty good.

#sine Source

sine :: Easing

Sinusoidal easing. This is an easing that follows a sinusoidal curve from start to end, starting fast and ending slow. Bit of trivia: internally, it uses cos, not sin. Pranked ya!

#exponential Source

exponential :: Easing

Exponential easing. This is an easing whose speed follows the exponential curve: it starts very slow, and ends very fast.

#circular Source

circular :: Easing

Circular easing. Why settle for things like sinusoidal easing when you can follow the exact edge of a circle? Look, reader: I ported this library from a jQuery plugin. I didn't get to make any decisions about its content.

#elastic Source

elastic :: Easing

Elastic easing. This is the sexy animation that everyone wants to see on your Web2.0 startup page. The animation quickly moves beyond the final value, and then elastically bounces back to the value you actually wanted. Watch your investors swoon.

#back Source

back :: Easing

Back easing. I'd have called this one "run-up": we move slightly backwards from the start, then charge forward to the end, with a little pinch of acceleration for good measure. Think about blinds in cartoons.

#bounce Source

bounce :: Easing

Imagine your "end" value is a solid wall. This basically looks like elastic, except it "bounces" off the end value instead of going over it. Imagine dropping an h1 from 200px high onto a tarmac floor (remembering that h1s are quite rubbery). That's what you get with bounce -200.0 0. This isn't the prettiest of implementations, so maybe just don't look at it for too long.
