


Bindings for the Enzyme library to use with the Elmish library.

The API here is presented in monadic style, with the idea that there is always a "current" DOM element (or, more precisely, current Wrapper, which may refer to zero or more actual DOM elements), with respect to which all operations run. A test starts with either testComponent or testElement, and it's that component (or element) that becomes the "current" element at the start, for example:

-- The main module:
myComponent :: ComponentDef Message State
myComponent = { init, view, update } where ...

-- The test module:
import Elmish.Enzyme (testComponent, text)

someTest = it "contains the right text" do
 testComponent myComponent do
   content <- text
   content `shouldContain` "right"

From there, it's possible to "drill down" into a particular element, making it "current" temporarily, via withSelector or withElement (similar to Capybara's within), for example:

import Elmish.Enzyme (testComponent, text, withSelector)

someTest = it "has two buttons with the right text" do
 testComponent myComponent do
   withSelector "button.first-button" do
     content <- text
     content `shouldEqual` "I'm the first button!"

   withSelector "button.second-button" do
     content <- text
     content `shouldEqual` "I'm the second button!"

Alternatively, operations that return a Wrapper may be combined in a chain using the >> operator (which is just a convenient facade for withElement under the hood):

import Elmish.Enzyme (testComponent, text, find, findAll, at, (>>))

someTest = it "has two buttons with the right text" do
 testComponent myComponent do
   -- A short chain, just two functions:
   b1 <- find "button.first-button" >> text
   b1 `shouldEqual` "I'm the first button!"

   -- A longer chain: `findAll`, then `at`, then `text`
   b2 <- findAll "button" >> at 1 >> text
   b2 `shouldEqual` "I'm the second button!"

   -- An even longer chain:
   b3 <- findAll ".card" >> at 3 >> findAll "button" >> at 1 >> text
   b3 `shouldEqual` "I'm second button in 4th card!"

The end result is an API that somewhat resembles how Emzyme would be used from JavaScript, as well as other similar testing libraries, sych as Capybara.

#EnzymeM Source

type EnzymeM :: NodeMultiplicity -> Type -> Typetype EnzymeM (context :: NodeMultiplicity) = ReaderT (Wrapper context) Aff

Monad for running Enzyme tests. Keeps a reference to the "current" DOM element(s) and tracks the current element's multiplicity (whether it's a single node or multiple) at type level (the context parameter), allowing to check validity of certain functions at compile-time (e.g. text only works on a single element).

#testComponent Source

testComponent :: forall m msg state. MonadAff m => ComponentDef msg state -> EnzymeM SingleNode Unit -> m Unit

Mounts the given component and runs the given action with the mounted component as current context.

it "displays content" do
  testComponent (MyComponent.def props) do
    exists ".t--my-content" >>= shouldEqual true

#testElement Source

testElement :: forall m. MonadAff m => ReactElement -> EnzymeM SingleNode Unit -> m Unit

Mounts the given element and runs the given action with the mounted element as current context.

pending' "displays content"
  testElement (MyElement.render props) do
    exists ".t--my-content" >>= shouldEqual true

#at Source

at :: Int -> EnzymeM ManyNodes (Wrapper SingleNode)

The current context can contain multiple DOM elements. This function returns the element at the given index (zero-based). See for more info.

findAll "button" >> at 3 >> text >>= shouldEqual "Fourth button"

#childAt Source

childAt :: forall n. Int -> EnzymeM n (Wrapper SingleNode)

Returns the child node at index idx of the current Wrapper.childAt n is equivalent to children >> at n See ffor more info.

#children Source

children :: forall n. EnzymeM n (Wrapper ManyNodes)

Returns the child nodes of the current Wrapper. When the current context contains multiple elements, the result will contain the children of each element. See for more info.

#clickOn Source

clickOn :: forall n. String -> EnzymeM n Unit

A convienience shorthand for clicking an element known by CSS selector

#count Source

count :: forall n. String -> EnzymeM n Int

Returns the number of times a given selector appears.

#debug Source

debug :: forall n. DebugWarning => EnzymeM n String

Returns the string representing the DOM tree of the current element(s). See for more info.

#exists Source

exists :: forall n. String -> EnzymeM n Boolean

Returns a Boolean indicating whether a given selector exists within the current element. See for more info.

#find Source

find :: forall n. String -> EnzymeM n (Wrapper SingleNode)

Finds a single element matching the given selector within the current context. If zero or multiple elements match the selector, crashes with a descriptive error message.

See for more info.

#findAll Source

findAll :: forall n. String -> EnzymeM n (Wrapper ManyNodes)

Finds all elements matching the given selector within the current context.

See for more info.

#forEach Source

forEach :: EnzymeM SingleNode Unit -> EnzymeM ManyNodes Unit

Basically, a DSL-friendly equivalent of for_: for each element in the current Wrapper performs the given effect.


findAll "button" >> forEach (simulate "click")

findAll ".t--foo" >> forEach do
  find "input[type=text]" >> simulate' "change" { target: { value: "new text" } }
  find "input[type=checkbox]" >> simulate "change"
  find ".t--bar" >> text >>= shouldEqual "qux"

#is Source

is :: String -> EnzymeM SingleNode Boolean

Returns a Boolean indicating whether the current element matches the given selector. See for more info.

#length Source

length :: EnzymeM ManyNodes Int

Returns number of elements in the current context

#mapEach Source

mapEach :: forall a. EnzymeM SingleNode a -> EnzymeM ManyNodes (Array a)

Basically, a DSL-friendly equivalent of map: for each element in the current Wrapper performs the given action and returns all results of that action as an array.


allNames <- findAll ".t--foo" >> mapEach text
allValues <- findAll ".t--foo" >> mapEach (prop "value")

#name Source

name :: EnzymeM SingleNode String

Returns tag name of the current element. See for more info.

#parent Source

parent :: forall n. EnzymeM n (Wrapper n)

Returns parent of the current element. When the current context contains multiple elements, the result will contain exactly as many parents, even if some of the elements have the same parent. See for more info.

#prop Source

prop :: forall a. String -> EnzymeM SingleNode a

Returns the value of the current element’s prop with a certain key. See for more info.

#simulate Source

simulate :: String -> EnzymeM SingleNode Unit

A convenience function for calling simulate' without an event arg.

#simulate' Source

simulate' :: forall r. String -> Record r -> EnzymeM SingleNode Unit

Simulates a certain event type on the current element. The event argument is a record that gets merged with a simulated React synthetic event before being passed to the component’s event handler. See for more info. NOTE: This doesn’t actually emit an event, but just triggers the event handler on the wrapper.

NOTE 2: This function only works for native HTML elements. For emitting events on custom React components, use simulateCustom.

#simulateCustom' Source

simulateCustom' :: forall a. String -> a -> EnzymeM SingleNode Unit

Simulates an event on a custom React component (i.e. not an HTML element). For reasons to complicated to discuss here, the regular simulate doesn't work on custom components, so we provide this workaround.

NOTE: the second parameter is passed to the event handler without any checks whatsoever. This is, of course, not type-safe, but it is in line with what the event handler should expect anyway: after all, the underlying JavaScript component may pass anything at all as event argument.

#spy Source

spy :: forall n. DebugWarning => EnzymeM n (Wrapper n)

Logs a string representing the DOM tree of the current element(s) and returns the original Wrapper, so that it can be used in a withElementM chain, like so:

spy >> find "foo" >> spy >> childAt 0 >> spy >> text >>= shouldEqual "Foo"

#state Source

state :: EnzymeM SingleNode Foreign

Returns the state of the current element. See for more info.

#text Source

text :: EnzymeM SingleNode String

Returns the text within the current element. See for more info.

#toArray Source

toArray :: EnzymeM ManyNodes (Array (Wrapper SingleNode))

Returns all elements contained in the current Wrapper as an array.

#trace Source

trace :: forall n. DebugWarning => EnzymeM n Unit

Logs a string representing the DOM tree of the current element(s).

#unsafeSetState Source

unsafeSetState :: forall state. state -> EnzymeM SingleNode Unit

Sets the state of the current element. Note that this is See for more info.

NOTE: this is a type-unsafe operation. There is no check to make sure the state being set here has the type of the actual state the component in question is using.

#update Source

update :: forall n. EnzymeM n Unit

Updates the current element to reflect the latest state. Call this function whenever you think there could be an async change of state that caused a re-render. For some reason, Enzyme won't pick up the changes automatically. See for more info.

NOTE: this only works on the "root" element, which means it cannot be called inside withSelector or withElement.

#waitUntil Source

waitUntil :: forall n. EnzymeM n Boolean -> EnzymeM n Unit

Performs active wait while the given condition is false. Times out with a crash after a second.

#waitUntil' Source

waitUntil' :: forall n. Milliseconds -> EnzymeM n Boolean -> EnzymeM n Unit

Performs active wait while the given condition is true. Times out with a crash after given time period.

#waitWhile Source

waitWhile :: forall n. EnzymeM n Boolean -> EnzymeM n Unit

Performs active wait while the given condition is true. Times out with a crash after a second.

#waitWhile' Source

waitWhile' :: forall n. Milliseconds -> EnzymeM n Boolean -> EnzymeM n Unit

Performs active wait while the given condition is true. Times out with a crash after given time period.

#withElement Source

withElement :: forall a nOuter nInner. Wrapper nInner -> EnzymeM nInner a -> EnzymeM nOuter a

Takes a Wrapper and runs an EnzymeM computation with the given wrapper as the new implicit wrapper. This can be thought of as analogous to Capybara’s within.

button <- find ""
withElement button do
  simulate "click"
  prop "disabled" >>= shouldEqual true

#withElementM Source

withElementM :: forall a nOuter nInner. EnzymeM nOuter (Wrapper nInner) -> EnzymeM nInner a -> EnzymeM nOuter a

A version of withElement that takes the Wrapper wrapped in EnzymeM rather than "naked". Aliased as the >> operator, this allows for handy chaining of operations that return a Wrapper, for example:

findAll ".foo" >> at 1 >> find ".bar" >> simulate "click"

#withSelector Source

withSelector :: forall a n. String -> EnzymeM SingleNode a -> EnzymeM n a

A convenience function which finds an element for the given selector and passes it to withElement.

withSelector ".t--my-button" do
  simulate "click"
  prop "disabled" >>= shouldEqual true

#(>>) Source

Operator alias for Elmish.Enzyme.withElementM (left-associative / precedence 1)

Re-exports from Elmish.Enzyme.Foreign

#configure Source

configure :: Adapter -> Effect Unit

Configures the correct Enzyme adapter. Called once in the main spec.