


A facade API for expressing the idea of "external events" - i.e. messages that do not originate in the UI itself, but come from other sources, such as network, browser URL history manipulations, timer, JS workers, and so on. The API in this module allows capturing such external events and converting them to Elmish messages, so they can be handled in the UI component's update function.

A Subscription value represents such an "external event" packaged for reuse, while subscribe and subscribeMaybe functions allow to "start" such subscription by including it in a state transition - usually the initial one. When the component is destroyed (in React lingo - "unmounted"), all its subscriptions are terminated.


 -- A reusable library
 module Location where

 urlUpdates :: ∀ m. MonadEffect m => Subscription m { path :: String, query :: String }
 urlUpdates = Subscription \dispatch -> do
   listener <- eventListener \_ -> do
     path <- window >>= location >>= pathname
     query <- window >>= location >>= search
     dispatch { path, query }

   window <#> toEventTarget >>= addEventListener popstate listener false

   pure $
     window <#> toEventTarget >>= removeEventListener popstate listener false

 -- Consuming code
 type State = ...
 data Message
   = UrlChanged { path :: String, query :: String }
   | ...

 myComponent :: ComponentDef Message State
 myComponent = { init, view, update }
     init = do
       subscribe UrlChanged Location.urlUpdates

     view = ...
     update = ...

#Subscription Source

newtype Subscription :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Typenewtype Subscription m a

Represents an external event, such as network, times, JS worker, etc.

The value wrapped in the newtype is a function that takes a message-dispatching callback, through which the subscription can send messages, and returns a "cleanup" action, which will be executed when it's time to unsubscribe from the subscription.



#subscribe Source

subscribe :: forall m a msg. MonadEffect m => (a -> msg) -> Subscription m a -> Transition' m msg Unit

Given a subscription and a message constructor, this function "starts" the subscription by embedding it in a state transition, which is then intended to be part of a larger state transition - either a component's update or init function.


 data Message
   = UrlChanged { path :: String, query :: String }
   | ...

 myComponent :: ComponentDef Message State
 myComponent = { init, view, update }
     init = do
       subscribe UrlChanged Location.urlUpdates

     view = ...
     update = ...

#subscribeMaybe Source

subscribeMaybe :: forall m a msg. MonadEffect m => (a -> Maybe msg) -> Subscription m a -> Transition' m msg Unit

Similar to subscribe, but instead of a message constructor, takes a function returning Maybe Message for issuing messages conditionally.


 data Message
   = UrlChanged String
   | ...

 myComponent :: ComponentDef Message State
 myComponent = { init, view, update }
     init = do
       Location.urlUpdates # subscribeMaybe \{ path } ->
         if path == "boring" then Nothing else Just $ UrlChanged path

     view = ...
     update = ...