- Package
- purescript-elmish
- Repository
- collegevine/purescript-elmish
#callbackRef Source
callbackRef :: forall el. Maybe el -> (Maybe el -> Effect Unit) -> Ref el
Takes the current ref value and a callback function (el -> Effect Unit
and returns a Ref
. The current ref value is needed so that we can decide
whether the callback function should be run (by comparing the current ref
and the new one by reference). The callback function should add the el
parameter to some state. E.g.:
data Message = RefChanged (Maybe HTMLInputElement) | …
view :: State -> Dispatch Message -> ReactElement
view state dispatch =
H.input_ "" { ref: callbackRef state.inputElement (dispatch <<< RefChanged), … }
update :: State -> Message -> Transition Message State
update state = case _ of
RefChanged ref -> pure state { inputElement = ref }