


#Cardinality Source

newtype Cardinality a



#Enum Source

class (Ord a) <= Enum a  where

Type class for enumerations.


  • succ a > pred a
  • pred a < succ a
  • pred >=> succ >=> pred = pred
  • succ >=> pred >=> succ = succ



#defaultSucc Source

defaultSucc :: forall a. (Int -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Int) -> a -> Maybe a

defaultSucc toEnum fromEnum = succ

#defaultPred Source

defaultPred :: forall a. (Int -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Int) -> a -> Maybe a

defaultPred toEnum fromEnum = pred

#enumFromTo Source

enumFromTo :: forall u a. Enum a => Unfoldable u => a -> a -> u a

Returns a successive sequence of elements from the lower bound to the upper bound (inclusive).

#enumFromThenTo Source

enumFromThenTo :: forall a. BoundedEnum a => a -> a -> a -> Array a


#upFrom Source

upFrom :: forall u a. Enum a => Unfoldable u => a -> u a

Results in all successors from given Enum in some unfoldable. Note that given Enum is not included in the result.

#upFromIncluding Source

upFromIncluding :: forall u a. Enum a => Unfoldable u => a -> NonEmpty u a

Results in all successors of given Enum (including itself) in some NonEmpty unfoldable.

#downFrom Source

downFrom :: forall u a. Enum a => Unfoldable u => a -> u a

#BoundedEnum Source

class (Bounded a, Enum a) <= BoundedEnum a  where

Type class for finite enumerations.

This should not be considered a part of a numeric hierarchy, as in Haskell. Rather, this is a type class for small, ordered sum types with statically-determined cardinality and the ability to easily compute successor and predecessor elements, e.g. DayOfWeek.


  • succ bottom >>= succ >>= succ ... succ [cardinality - 1 times] == top
  • pred top >>= pred >>= pred ... pred [cardinality - 1 times] == bottom
  • forall a > bottom: pred a >>= succ == Just a
  • forall a < top: succ a >>= pred == Just a
  • forall a > bottom: fromEnum <$> pred a = Just (fromEnum a - 1)
  • forall a < top: fromEnum <$> succ a = Just (fromEnum a + 1)
  • e1 `compare` e2 == fromEnum e1 `compare` fromEnum e2
  • toEnum (fromEnum a) = Just a



#defaultCardinality Source

defaultCardinality :: forall a. Bounded a => Enum a => Cardinality a

Runs in O(n) where n is fromEnum top

#defaultToEnum Source

defaultToEnum :: forall a. Bounded a => Enum a => Int -> Maybe a

Runs in O(n) where n is fromEnum a

#defaultFromEnum Source

defaultFromEnum :: forall a. Enum a => a -> Int

Runs in O(n) where n is fromEnum a

#toEnumWithDefaults Source

toEnumWithDefaults :: forall a. BoundedEnum a => a -> a -> Int -> a

Like toEnum but returns the first argument if x is less than fromEnum bottom and the second argument if x is greater than fromEnum top.

toEnumWithDefaults False True (-1) -- False
toEnumWithDefaults False True 0    -- False
toEnumWithDefaults False True 1    -- True
toEnumWithDefaults False True 2    -- True