


#Cardinality Source

newtype Cardinality a



#Enum Source

class (Ord a) <= Enum a  where

Type class for enumerations.


  • Successor: all (a < _) (succ a)
  • Predecessor: all (_ < a) (pred a)
  • Succ retracts pred: pred >=> succ >=> pred = pred
  • Pred retracts succ: succ >=> pred >=> succ = succ
  • Non-skipping succ: b <= a || any (_ <= b) (succ a)
  • Non-skipping pred: a <= b || any (b <= _) (pred a)

The retraction laws can intuitively be understood as saying that succ is the opposite of pred; if you apply succ and then pred to something, you should end up with what you started with (although of course this doesn't apply if you tried to succ the last value in an enumeration and therefore got Nothing out). The non-skipping laws can intuitively be understood as saying that succ shouldn't skip over any elements of your type. For example, without the non-skipping laws, it would be permissible to write an Enum Int instance where succ x = Just (x+2), and similarly pred x = Just (x-2).



#defaultSucc Source

defaultSucc :: forall a. (Int -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Int) -> a -> Maybe a

defaultSucc toEnum fromEnum = succ

#defaultPred Source

defaultPred :: forall a. (Int -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Int) -> a -> Maybe a

defaultPred toEnum fromEnum = pred

#enumFromTo Source

enumFromTo :: forall u a. Enum a => Unfoldable u => a -> a -> u a

Returns a successive sequence of elements from the lower bound to the upper bound (inclusive).

#enumFromThenTo Source

enumFromThenTo :: forall a. BoundedEnum a => a -> a -> a -> Array a


#upFrom Source

upFrom :: forall u a. Enum a => Unfoldable u => a -> u a

Results in all successors from given Enum in some unfoldable. Note that given Enum is not included in the result.

#upFromIncluding Source

upFromIncluding :: forall u a. Enum a => Unfoldable u => a -> NonEmpty u a

Results in all successors of given Enum (including itself) in some NonEmpty unfoldable.

#downFrom Source

downFrom :: forall u a. Enum a => Unfoldable u => a -> u a

#BoundedEnum Source

class (Bounded a, Enum a) <= BoundedEnum a  where

Type class for finite enumerations.

This should not be considered a part of a numeric hierarchy, as in Haskell. Rather, this is a type class for small, ordered sum types with statically-determined cardinality and the ability to easily compute successor and predecessor elements, e.g. DayOfWeek.


  • succ bottom >>= succ >>= succ ... succ [cardinality - 1 times] == top
  • pred top >>= pred >>= pred ... pred [cardinality - 1 times] == bottom
  • forall a > bottom: pred a >>= succ == Just a
  • forall a < top: succ a >>= pred == Just a
  • forall a > bottom: fromEnum <$> pred a = pred (fromEnum a)
  • forall a < top: fromEnum <$> succ a = succ (fromEnum a)
  • e1 `compare` e2 == fromEnum e1 `compare` fromEnum e2
  • toEnum (fromEnum a) = Just a



#defaultCardinality Source

defaultCardinality :: forall a. Bounded a => Enum a => Cardinality a

Runs in O(n) where n is fromEnum top

#defaultToEnum Source

defaultToEnum :: forall a. Bounded a => Enum a => Int -> Maybe a

Runs in O(n) where n is fromEnum a

#defaultFromEnum Source

defaultFromEnum :: forall a. Enum a => a -> Int

Runs in O(n) where n is fromEnum a

#toEnumWithDefaults Source

toEnumWithDefaults :: forall a. BoundedEnum a => a -> a -> Int -> a

Like toEnum but returns the first argument if x is less than fromEnum bottom and the second argument if x is greater than fromEnum top.

toEnumWithDefaults False True (-1) -- False
toEnumWithDefaults False True 0    -- False
toEnumWithDefaults False True 1    -- True
toEnumWithDefaults False True 2    -- True