- Package
- purescript-ethereum-client
- Repository
- Unisay/purescript-ethereum-client
#web3ClientVersion Source
web3ClientVersion :: Eth String
Current client version
#keccak256 Source
keccak256 :: ByteString -> Eth Keccak256
Returns Keccak-256 (not the standardized SHA3-256) of the given data
#netVersion Source
netVersion :: Eth Network
Current network
#netListening Source
netListening :: Eth Boolean
If client is actively listening for network connections
#netPeerCount Source
netPeerCount :: Eth Quantity
Number of peers currently connected to the client
#ethProtocolVersion Source
ethProtocolVersion :: Eth String
Current ethereum protocol version
#ethSyncing Source
ethSyncing :: Eth (Maybe SyncStatus)
Syncrhronization status
#ethCoinbase Source
ethCoinbase :: Eth Address
Client coinbase address
#ethHashrate Source
ethHashrate :: Eth Quantity
Number of hashes per second that the node is mining with
#ethGasPrice Source
ethGasPrice :: Eth Wei
Current price per gas in WEI
#ethBlockNumber Source
ethBlockNumber :: Eth BlockNumber
Number of most recent block
#ethGetBalance Source
ethGetBalance :: Address -> DefaultBlock -> Eth Wei
Balance of the account of given address
#ethGetStorageAt Source
ethGetStorageAt :: Address -> Int -> DefaultBlock -> Eth Bytes
Value from a storage position at a given address
#ethGetTransactionCount Source
ethGetTransactionCount :: Address -> DefaultBlock -> Eth (Maybe Quantity)
Number of transactions sent from an address
#ethGetBlockTransactionCountByHash Source
ethGetBlockTransactionCountByHash :: BlockHash -> Eth (Maybe Quantity)
Number of transactions in a block from a block matching the given block hash
#ethGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber Source
ethGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber :: DefaultBlock -> Eth (Maybe Quantity)
Number of transactions in a block from a block matching the given block number
#ethGetUncleCountByBlockHash Source
ethGetUncleCountByBlockHash :: BlockHash -> Eth (Maybe Quantity)
Number of uncles in a block from a block matching the given block hash
#ethGetUncleCountByBlockNumber Source
ethGetUncleCountByBlockNumber :: DefaultBlock -> Eth (Maybe Quantity)
Number of uncles in a block from a block matching the given block number
#ethGetCode Source
ethGetCode :: Address -> DefaultBlock -> Eth Code
Code at a given address
Re-exports from Ethereum.Type
#SyncStatus Source
newtype SyncStatus
SyncStatus { currentBlock :: BlockNumber, highestBlock :: BlockNumber, startingBlock :: BlockNumber }
#BlockNumber Source
#mkBlockNumber Source
mkBlockNumber :: BigInt -> Valid BlockNumber
- Modules
- Ethereum.
Api - Ethereum.
Text - Ethereum.