


Functions to compute the Fast Fourier Transform of an array.

This module wraps the functionality of and makes it usable in PureScript, with a sprinkling of type safety.

There are examples of how to use this module in the tests directory. Essentially, you need to make a new FFT object, then pass it to the required functions.

fft.js provides different functions to take the Fourier Transform of both real and complex arrays. To separate these functions, we introduce the newtype wrappers ComplexArray and RealArray, to add semantic information to the type signature of the function.

A complex valued array is simply an interwoven array of the real and imaginary parts. It looks like: [re0, im0, re1, im1, ...].

#FFT Source

data FFT

A type representing the foreign FFT class.

#ComplexArray Source

newtype ComplexArray

Newtype wrapper for complex arrays. A complex array is equivalent to Array Number, where the values are of the form [re, im, re, im, ...].



#RealArray Source

newtype RealArray

Newtype wrapper for real arrays.



#FFTArray Source

class FFTArray a  where

A class of arrays that you can take an FFT of. This class makes it easier to get the size of an array, which should match the fftSize of the FFT object used to compute a transform with.



#makeFFT Source

makeFFT :: Int -> FFT

Construct a new FFT object. The input is the length of the array that will have a Fourier Transform taking of. It must be a power of 2, and be greater than 1. The size is the number of numbers used in the array. For a real valued array, this is just the length. For a complex array, this is the length of the array / 2.

#fftSize Source

fftSize :: FFT -> Int

Get the size of the given FFT object.

#fromComplexArray Source

fromComplexArray :: ComplexArray -> RealArray

Create an array consisting of the real parts of the complex numbers provided in the given array.

#createComplexArray Source

createComplexArray :: FFT -> ComplexArray

Create a zero filled complex array.

#toComplexArray Source

toComplexArray :: FFT -> RealArray -> ComplexArray

Create a complex array from a given real array.

#transform Source

transform :: FFT -> ComplexArray -> ComplexArray

Compute the Fast Fourier Transform of the given complex valued array.

#realTransform Source

realTransform :: FFT -> RealArray -> ComplexArray

Compute the Fast Fourier Transform of the given real valued array. This is faster than creating a complex array from a real one and taking the Fourier Transformation.

#inverseTransform Source

inverseTransform :: FFT -> ComplexArray -> ComplexArray

Compute the inverse Fourier transform of the given complex valued array.

#STComplexArray Source

newtype STComplexArray :: Region -> Typenewtype STComplexArray s

ST Newtype wrapper for complex arrays. A complex array is equivalent to STArray s Number, where the values are of the form [re, im, re, im, ...].


#STRealArray Source

newtype STRealArray :: Region -> Typenewtype STRealArray s

Newtype wrapper for real arrays.


#fromComplexArrayST Source

fromComplexArrayST :: forall s. FFT -> ComplexArray -> STRealArray s -> ST s Unit

Update an array with the real parts of the complex numbers provided in the given array.

#toComplexArrayST Source

toComplexArrayST :: forall s. FFT -> RealArray -> STComplexArray s -> ST s Unit

Turn the given mutable array into a complex valued mutable array, formed from the real valued array provided. Note - the mutable array must have size double that of the real valued array.

#transformST Source

transformST :: forall s. FFT -> ComplexArray -> STComplexArray s -> ST s Unit

Update the given mutable array with the Fourier transform of the given complex valued array.

#realTransformST Source

realTransformST :: forall s. FFT -> RealArray -> STRealArray s -> ST s Unit

Update the given mutable array with the fourier transform of the given real valued array.

#inverseTransformST Source

inverseTransformST :: forall s. FFT -> ComplexArray -> STComplexArray s -> ST s Unit

Update the given mutable array with the Inverse Fourier transform of the given complex valued array.

#completeSpectrum Source

completeSpectrum :: forall s. FFT -> STComplexArray s -> ST s Unit

According to the issue:, the realTransform only fills the left half of the array with data. This function is then used to complete that. However, I find that the realTransform function gives the correct result and that I don't ever need to use this function.

Re-exports from FFT.Internal.Array

#newUnsafe Source

newUnsafe :: forall h a. Int -> ST h (STArray h a)

Create a mutable array that is unfilled. This is not as safe as generating a filled one, but is faster.