- Package
- purescript-globalsDEPRECATED
- Repository
- purescript/purescript-globals
#unsafeStringify Source
unsafeStringify :: forall a. a -> String
Uses the global JSON object to turn anything into a string. Careful! Trying to serialize functions returns undefined
#unsafeToFixed Source
unsafeToFixed :: Int -> Number -> String
Formats Number as a String with limited number of digits after the dot.
May throw RangeError if the number of digits is not within the allowed range (standard precision range is 0 to 20, but implementations may change it)
#unsafeToExponential Source
unsafeToExponential :: Int -> Number -> String
Formats Number as String in exponential notation limiting number of digits after the decimal dot.
May throw RangeError if the number of digits is not within the allowed range (standard precision range is 0 to 20, but implementations may change it)
#unsafeToPrecision Source
unsafeToPrecision :: Int -> Number -> String
Formats Number as String in fixed-point or exponential notation rounded to specified number of significant digits.
May throw RangeError if the number of digits is not within the allowed range (standard precision range is 0 to 100, but implementations may change it)
#unsafeDecodeURI Source
unsafeDecodeURI :: String -> String
URI decoding. May throw a URIError
if given a value with undecodeable
escape sequences.
#unsafeEncodeURI Source
unsafeEncodeURI :: String -> String
URI encoding. May throw a URIError
if given a value with unencodeable
#unsafeDecodeURIComponent Source
unsafeDecodeURIComponent :: String -> String
URI component decoding. May throw a URIError
if given a value with
undecodeable escape sequences.
#unsafeEncodeURIComponent Source
unsafeEncodeURIComponent :: String -> String
URI component encoding. May throw a URIError
if given a value with
unencodeable characters.
- Modules
- Global
- Global.