


This module supplies a simple datastructure for working with 2D grids. Grid is based on (immutable) arrays from the module Data.Array, so it has similar performance characteristics: fast access (anywhere), slow updates (the whole structure is copied), efficient memory usage.

#Grid Source

data Grid a

A grid is represented a plain 1D array. It is saved there row by row, starting from the top. Functions in this module take 2D coordinates, but translate them interally to 1D index into the array.



#enumerate Source

enumerate :: forall a. Grid a -> Array (Tuple Coordinates a)

#differencesFrom Source

differencesFrom :: forall a. Eq a => Grid a -> Grid a -> Array (Tuple Coordinates a)

#updateAt Source

updateAt :: forall a. Coordinates -> a -> Grid a -> Maybe (Grid a)

Change the element at the specified index, creating a new grid, or returning Nothing if the index is out of bounds.

#modifyAt Source

modifyAt :: forall a. Coordinates -> (a -> a) -> Grid a -> Maybe (Grid a)

Apply a function to the element at the specified index, creating a new grid, or returning Nothing if the index is out of bounds.

#updateAt' Source

updateAt' :: forall a. Coordinates -> a -> Grid a -> Grid a

Change the element at the specified index, creating a new grid, or don't do anything when the index is out of bounds.

#modifyAt' Source

modifyAt' :: forall a. Coordinates -> (a -> a) -> Grid a -> Grid a

Change the element at the specified index, creating a new grid, or don't do anything when the index is out of bounds.

#index Source

index :: forall a. Grid a -> Coordinates -> Maybe a

This function provides a safe way to read a value at a particular index from a grid. The position { x: 0, y: 0 } is in the top left corner of the grid.

sentence = Grid.fromFoldable 2 2 [ "Hello", "World", "Guys", "!" ]

index sentence { x:0, y:0 } = Just "Hello"
index sentence { x:2, y:0 } = Nothing

#replicate Source

replicate :: forall a. Int -> Int -> a -> Grid a

#Coordinates Source

type Coordinates = { x :: Int, y :: Int }

A helper type representing a point on a grid.


#fromFoldable Source

fromFoldable :: forall f a. Foldable f => Int -> Int -> f a -> Maybe (Grid a)

#construct Source

construct :: forall a. Int -> Int -> (Coordinates -> a) -> Grid a