


This module exports helpers for working with Formless queries. Action-style queries are already specialized to Unit for you. Prefer these over using data constructors from the Formless query algebra. Remember that you can freely extend the Formless query algebra with your own queries by using the injQuery function.

#injQuery Source

injQuery :: forall form q ps a. Functor q => q a -> Query form q ps a

Inject your own query into the Formless component. You will need to derive a Functor instance for your query type.

data MyQuery a = DoSomething a
derive instance functorMyQuery :: Functor MyQuery

#asQuery Source

asQuery :: forall form q ps. Variant (PublicAction form) -> Query form q ps Unit

Convert a Formless public action to an action-style query. Any action from Formless.Action will work, but no others.

#submitReply Source

submitReply :: forall form query ps a. (Maybe (form Record OutputField) -> a) -> Query form query ps a

Submit the form, returning the output of validation if successful and Nothing otherwise.

#sendQuery Source

sendQuery :: forall outS outL inS inL form msg q ps cq cm pps r0 r1 st pmsg act m a. IsSymbol outL => IsSymbol inL => Cons outL (Slot (Query form q ps) msg outS) r0 pps => Cons inL (Slot cq cm inS) r1 ps => Ord outS => Ord inS => Proxy outL -> outS -> Proxy inL -> inS -> cq a -> HalogenM st act pps pmsg m (Maybe a)

When you have specified a child component within Formless and need to query it, you can do so in two ways.

First, you can use H.query as usual within the handleExtraQuery function you provide to Formless as input. You can, for example, write your own query which manages the child component, write it into the render function you supply Formless, and then when that query is triggered, query the child component.

Second, you can use the sendQuery function within your parent component's handleAction or handleQuery functions. Given the slot for Formless, the slot for the child component within Formless, and the query you'd like to send the child component, sendQuery will run through Formless and return the query result to the parent.

For example, this is how you would query a dropdown component being run within a Formless form from the parent component.

-- in the parent component which mounts Formless
handleAction = case _ of
  SendDropdown (dropdownQuery -> do
    result <- F.sendQuery _formless unit _dropdown 10 dropdownQuery