


A replacement for Halogen.Query.HalogenM which supports a near-identical API, but adjusted for compatibility with hooks. All functions available in HalogenM are still available here, but some have modified behavior (for example, the state functions get, put, and modify take a state identifier as their first argument).

#HookF Source

data HookF :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Typedata HookF m a

A DSL compatible with HalogenM which is used to write effectful code for Hooks.



#HookM Source

newtype HookM :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Typenewtype HookM m a

The Hook effect monad, used to write effectful code in Hooks functions. This monad is fully compatible with HalogenM, meaning all functionality available for HalogenM is available in HookM.



#HookAp Source

newtype HookAp :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Typenewtype HookAp m a

An applicative-only version of HookM to allow for parallel evaluation.



#get Source

get :: forall state m. StateId state -> HookM m state

Get a piece of state using an identifier received from the useState hook.

_ /\ countId :: StateId Int <- Hooks.useState 0

  onClick = do
    count :: Int <- Hooks.get countId

#modify_ Source

modify_ :: forall state m. StateId state -> (state -> state) -> HookM m Unit

Modify a piece of state using an identifier received from the useState hook.

_ /\ countId :: StateId Int <- Hooks.useState 0

  onClick = do
    Hooks.modify_ countId (_ + 10)

#modify Source

modify :: forall state m. StateId state -> (state -> state) -> HookM m state

Modify a piece of state using an identifier received from the useState hook, returning the new state.

_ /\ countId :: StateId Int <- Hooks.useState 0

  onClick = do
    count :: Int <- Hooks.modify countId (_ + 10)

#put Source

put :: forall state m. StateId state -> state -> HookM m Unit

Overwrite a piece of state using an identifier received from the useState hook.

_ /\ countId :: StateId Int <- Hooks.useState 0

  onClick = do
    Hooks.put countId 10

#raise Source

raise :: forall o m. OutputToken o -> o -> HookM m Unit

Raise an output message for the component. Requires a token carrying the output type of the component, which is provided by the Hooks.component function.

#query Source

query :: forall m label ps query o' slot a _1. Cons label (Slot query o' slot) _1 ps => IsSymbol label => Ord slot => SlotToken ps -> Proxy label -> slot -> query a -> HookM m (Maybe a)

Send a query to a child of a component at the specified slot. Requires a token carrying the slot type of the component, which is provided by the Hooks.component function.

#request Source

request :: forall m label ps query o' slot a _1. Cons label (Slot query o' slot) _1 ps => IsSymbol label => Ord slot => SlotToken ps -> Proxy label -> slot -> Request query a -> HookM m (Maybe a)

Send a query-request to a child of a component at the specified slot. Requires a token carrying the slot type of the component, which is provided by the Hooks.component function.

#tell Source

tell :: forall m label ps query o' slot _1. Cons label (Slot query o' slot) _1 ps => IsSymbol label => Ord slot => SlotToken ps -> Proxy label -> slot -> Tell query -> HookM m Unit

Send a tell-request to a child of a component at the specified slot. Requires a token carrying the slot type of the component, which is provided by the Hooks.component function.

#queryAll Source

queryAll :: forall m label ps query o' slot a _1. Cons label (Slot query o' slot) _1 ps => IsSymbol label => Ord slot => SlotToken ps -> Proxy label -> query a -> HookM m (Map slot a)

Send a query to all children of a component at the specified slot. Requires a token carrying the slot type of the component, which is provided by the Hooks.component function.

#subscribe Source

subscribe :: forall m. Emitter (HookM m Unit) -> HookM m SubscriptionId

Subscribes a component to an Emitter. When a component is disposed of any active subscriptions will automatically be stopped and no further subscriptions will be possible during finalization.

#subscribe' Source

subscribe' :: forall m. (SubscriptionId -> Emitter (HookM m Unit)) -> HookM m Unit

An alternative to subscribe, intended for subscriptions that unsubscribe themselves. Instead of returning the SubscriptionId from subscribe', it is passed into an Emitter constructor. This allows emitted queries to include the SubscriptionId, rather than storing it in the state of the component.

When a component is disposed of any active subscriptions will automatically be stopped and no further subscriptions will be possible during finalization.

#unsubscribe Source

unsubscribe :: forall m. SubscriptionId -> HookM m Unit

Unsubscribes a component from an Emitter. If the subscription associated with the ID has already ended this will have no effect.

#fork Source

fork :: forall m. HookM m Unit -> HookM m ForkId

Starts a HalogenM process running independent from the current eval "thread".

A commonly use case for fork is in component initializers where some async action is started. Normally all interaction with the component will be blocked until the initializer completes, but if the async action is forked instead, the initializer can complete synchronously while the async action continues.

Some care needs to be taken when using a fork that can modify the component state, as it's easy for the forked process to "clobber" the state (overwrite some or all of it with an old value) by mistake.

When a component is disposed of any active forks will automatically be killed. New forks can be started during finalization but there will be no means of killing them.

#kill Source

kill :: forall m. ForkId -> HookM m Unit

Kills a forked process if it is still running. Attempting to kill a forked process that has already ended will have no effect.

#getRef Source

getRef :: forall m. RefLabel -> HookM m (Maybe Element)

Retrieves an Element value that is associated with a Ref in the rendered o of a component. If there is no currently rendered value for the requested ref this will return Nothing.

#getHTMLElementRef Source

getHTMLElementRef :: forall m. RefLabel -> HookM m (Maybe HTMLElement)

Retrieves a HTMLElement value that is associated with a Ref in the rendered o of a component. If there is no currently rendered value (or it is not an HTMLElement) for the request will return Nothing.