


All primitives use the Store comonad as their component state. They also define their own state as is typical for Halogen Components, which is in turn embedded in Store.

Note: Unless you are modifying or defining a new primitive, you will not need to use this type and can rely on the usual state definitions in each primitive's module.

Why use Store? Halogen components only update if new values come in via their receiver field using their Input type, or if they are destroyed and re-initialized in a new slot. Most values can be updated this way, but not render functions.

In this library, we do not make any rendering decisions and leave it entirely up to you to decide how your selection component should appear. Your render functions have access to the parent state in which you mounted the primitive. This means you can provide arbitrary data to the primitive by storing it in the parent state and accessing it in the renderer.

Therefore, it is necessary that your render function updates on parent re-render just like usual Input values. Using Store allows us to extract and use the render function in a primitive.

#State Source

type State s q = Store s (ComponentHTML q)

All primitives use the Store type as their component state. Any additional data, like a traditional Halogen State record, will also be provided.

  • s: The state type defined for the primitive
  • q: The query type defined for the primitive

#getState Source

getState :: forall a s m. MonadState (Store s a) m => m (Tuple (s -> a) s)

A helper to get and unpack the primitive state type from the Store type. When used with pattern matching, you can access state with:

(Tuple renderFunction state) <- getState

#updateStore Source

updateStore :: forall html state. (state -> html) -> (state -> state) -> Store state html -> Store state html

A helper for wholly updating the State (Store) of a primitive.

Used when the render function needs to be updated; this is typically in the query that handles Input updates.

Note: Use seeks if only the primitive's internal state needs to be updated (not the entire Store).