- Package
- purescript-halogen-vdom
- Repository
- slamdata/purescript-halogen-vdom
#propFromString Source
propFromString :: String -> PropValue
#propFromBoolean Source
propFromBoolean :: Boolean -> PropValue
#propFromInt Source
propFromInt :: Int -> PropValue
#propFromNumber Source
propFromNumber :: Number -> PropValue
#buildProp Source
buildProp :: forall a eff. (a -> Eff (dom :: DOM, ref :: REF | eff) Unit) -> Element -> VDomMachine (dom :: DOM, ref :: REF | eff) (Array (Prop a)) Unit
A Machine`` for applying attributes, properties, and event handlers.
An emitter effect must be provided to respond to events. For example,
to allow arbitrary effects in event handlers, one could use