


#ChildPath Source

data ChildPath f f' p p'

Represents a path through Either and Coproduct types for the state, query algebra, and slots of a component. Used when installing children of different types within a single parent component.


#compose Source

compose :: forall r q p h g f. ChildPath g h q r -> ChildPath f g p q -> ChildPath f h p r

Composes two paths.

#(:>) Source

Operator alias for Halogen.Component.ChildPath.compose (left-associative / precedence 4)

#cpI Source

cpI :: forall p f. ChildPath f f p p

An identity ChildPath.

#cpL Source

cpL :: forall q p g f. ChildPath f (f <\/> g) p (p \/ q)

A ChildPath that goes to the left.

#cpR Source

cpR :: forall q p g f. ChildPath f (g <\/> f) p (q \/ p)

A ChildPath that goes to the right.

#cp1 Source

cp1 :: forall q p1 g f1. ChildPath f1 (f1 <\/> g) p1 (p1 \/ q)

A ChildPath for the 1st component defined using a Either.Nested and Coproduct.Nested representation for the sum.

#cp2 Source

cp2 :: forall q p2 p1 g f2 f1. ChildPath f2 (f1 <\/> f2 <\/> g) p2 (p1 \/ p2 \/ q)

A ChildPath for the 2nd component defined using a Either.Nested and Coproduct.Nested representation for the sum.

#cp3 Source

cp3 :: forall q p3 p2 p1 g f3 f2 f1. ChildPath f3 (f1 <\/> f2 <\/> f3 <\/> g) p3 (p1 \/ p2 \/ p3 \/ q)

A ChildPath for the 3rd component defined using a Either.Nested and Coproduct.Nested representation for the sum.

#cp4 Source

cp4 :: forall q p4 p3 p2 p1 g f4 f3 f2 f1. ChildPath f4 (f1 <\/> f2 <\/> f3 <\/> f4 <\/> g) p4 (p1 \/ p2 \/ p3 \/ p4 \/ q)

A ChildPath for the 4th component defined using a Either.Nested and Coproduct.Nested representation for the sum.

#cp5 Source

cp5 :: forall q p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 g f5 f4 f3 f2 f1. ChildPath f5 (f1 <\/> f2 <\/> f3 <\/> f4 <\/> f5 <\/> g) p5 (p1 \/ p2 \/ p3 \/ p4 \/ p5 \/ q)

A ChildPath for the 5th component defined using a Either.Nested and Coproduct.Nested representation for the sum.

#cp6 Source

cp6 :: forall q p6 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 g f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1. ChildPath f6 (f1 <\/> f2 <\/> f3 <\/> f4 <\/> f5 <\/> f6 <\/> g) p6 (p1 \/ p2 \/ p3 \/ p4 \/ p5 \/ p6 \/ q)

A ChildPath for the 6th component defined using a Either.Nested and Coproduct.Nested representation for the sum.

#cp7 Source

cp7 :: forall q p7 p6 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 g f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1. ChildPath f7 (f1 <\/> f2 <\/> f3 <\/> f4 <\/> f5 <\/> f6 <\/> f7 <\/> g) p7 (p1 \/ p2 \/ p3 \/ p4 \/ p5 \/ p6 \/ p7 \/ q)

A ChildPath for the 7th component defined using a Either.Nested and Coproduct.Nested representation for the sum.

#cp8 Source

cp8 :: forall q p8 p7 p6 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 g f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1. ChildPath f8 (f1 <\/> f2 <\/> f3 <\/> f4 <\/> f5 <\/> f6 <\/> f7 <\/> f8 <\/> g) p8 (p1 \/ p2 \/ p3 \/ p4 \/ p5 \/ p6 \/ p7 \/ p8 \/ q)

A ChildPath for the 8th component defined using a Either.Nested and Coproduct.Nested representation for the sum.

#cp9 Source

cp9 :: forall q p9 p8 p7 p6 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 g f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1. ChildPath f9 (f1 <\/> f2 <\/> f3 <\/> f4 <\/> f5 <\/> f6 <\/> f7 <\/> f8 <\/> f9 <\/> g) p9 (p1 \/ p2 \/ p3 \/ p4 \/ p5 \/ p6 \/ p7 \/ p8 \/ p9 \/ q)

A ChildPath for the 9th component defined using a Either.Nested and Coproduct.Nested representation for the sum.

#cp10 Source

cp10 :: forall q p10 p9 p8 p7 p6 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 g f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1. ChildPath f10 (f1 <\/> f2 <\/> f3 <\/> f4 <\/> f5 <\/> f6 <\/> f7 <\/> f8 <\/> f9 <\/> f10 <\/> g) p10 (p1 \/ p2 \/ p3 \/ p4 \/ p5 \/ p6 \/ p7 \/ p8 \/ p9 \/ p10 \/ q)

A ChildPath for the 10th component defined using a Either.Nested and Coproduct.Nested representation for the sum.

#injQuery Source

injQuery :: forall p' p f' f. ChildPath f f' p p' -> f ~> f'

Uses a ChildPath definition to get a query algebra value of type f' from a value of type f. Used internally by Halogen.

#prjQuery Source

prjQuery :: forall a p' p f' f. ChildPath f f' p p' -> f' a -> Maybe (f a)

Uses a ChildPath to attempt to get a query algebra value of type f from a value of type f'. Used internally by Halogen.

#injSlot Source

injSlot :: forall p' p f' f. ChildPath f f' p p' -> p -> p'

Uses a ChildPath definition to get a slot value of type p' from a value of type p. Used internally by Halogen.

#prjSlot Source

prjSlot :: forall p' p f' f. ChildPath f f' p p' -> p' -> Maybe p

Uses a ChildPath definition to get a slot value of type p' from a value of type p. Used internally by Halogen.

Re-exports from Halogen.Data.Prism

#_Either9 Source

_Either9 :: forall z i h g f e d c b a. Prism' (a \/ b \/ c \/ d \/ e \/ f \/ g \/ h \/ i \/ z) i

#_Either8 Source

_Either8 :: forall z h g f e d c b a. Prism' (a \/ b \/ c \/ d \/ e \/ f \/ g \/ h \/ z) h

#_Either7 Source

_Either7 :: forall z g f e d c b a. Prism' (a \/ b \/ c \/ d \/ e \/ f \/ g \/ z) g

#_Either6 Source

_Either6 :: forall z f e d c b a. Prism' (a \/ b \/ c \/ d \/ e \/ f \/ z) f

#_Either5 Source

_Either5 :: forall z e d c b a. Prism' (a \/ b \/ c \/ d \/ e \/ z) e

#_Either4 Source

_Either4 :: forall z d c b a. Prism' (a \/ b \/ c \/ d \/ z) d

#_Either3 Source

_Either3 :: forall z c b a. Prism' (a \/ b \/ c \/ z) c

#_Either2 Source

_Either2 :: forall z b a. Prism' (a \/ b \/ z) b

#_Either10 Source

_Either10 :: forall z j i h g f e d c b a. Prism' (a \/ b \/ c \/ d \/ e \/ f \/ g \/ h \/ i \/ j \/ z) j

#_Either1 Source

_Either1 :: forall z a. Prism' (a \/ z) a

#_Coproduct9 Source

_Coproduct9 :: forall x i h g f e z d c b a. Prism1' (a <\/> b <\/> c <\/> d <\/> e <\/> f <\/> g <\/> h <\/> i <\/> z) i x

#_Coproduct8 Source

_Coproduct8 :: forall x h g f e z d c b a. Prism1' (a <\/> b <\/> c <\/> d <\/> e <\/> f <\/> g <\/> h <\/> z) h x

#_Coproduct7 Source

_Coproduct7 :: forall x g f e z d c b a. Prism1' (a <\/> b <\/> c <\/> d <\/> e <\/> f <\/> g <\/> z) g x

#_Coproduct6 Source

_Coproduct6 :: forall x f e z d c b a. Prism1' (a <\/> b <\/> c <\/> d <\/> e <\/> f <\/> z) f x

#_Coproduct5 Source

_Coproduct5 :: forall x e z d c b a. Prism1' (a <\/> b <\/> c <\/> d <\/> e <\/> z) e x

#_Coproduct4 Source

_Coproduct4 :: forall x z d c b a. Prism1' (a <\/> b <\/> c <\/> d <\/> z) d x

#_Coproduct3 Source

_Coproduct3 :: forall x z c b a. Prism1' (a <\/> b <\/> c <\/> z) c x

#_Coproduct2 Source

_Coproduct2 :: forall x z b a. Prism1' (a <\/> b <\/> z) b x

#_Coproduct10 Source

_Coproduct10 :: forall x j i h g f e z d c b a. Prism1' (a <\/> b <\/> c <\/> d <\/> e <\/> f <\/> g <\/> h <\/> i <\/> j <\/> z) j x

#_Coproduct1 Source

_Coproduct1 :: forall x z a. Prism1' (a <\/> z) a x

#type (\/) Source

Operator alias for Data.Either.Either (right-associative / precedence 6)

#type (<\/>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Functor.Coproduct.Coproduct (right-associative / precedence 6)