


#Component Source

data Component (surface :: Type -> Type -> Type) (query :: Type -> Type) (input :: Type) (output :: Type) (m :: Type -> Type)

The "public" type for a component, with details of the component internals existentially hidden.

  • surface is the type that will be rendered by the component, usually HTML
  • query is the query algebra; the requests that can be made of the component
  • input is the input value that will be received when the parent of this component renders
  • output is the type of messages the component can raise
  • m is the effect monad used during evaluation

#ComponentSpec Source

type ComponentSpec surface state query action slots input output m = { eval :: (HalogenQ query action input) ~> (HalogenM state action slots output m), initialState :: input -> state, render :: state -> surface (ComponentSlot surface slots m action) action }

The spec for a component.

The type variables involved:

  • surface is the type that will be rendered by the component, usually HTML
  • state is the component's state
  • query is the query algebra; the requests that can be made of the component
  • action is the type of actions; messages internal to the component that can be evaluated
  • slots is the set of slots for addressing child components
  • input is the input value that will be received when the parent of this component renders
  • output is the type of messages the component can raise
  • m is the effect monad used during evaluation

The values in the record:

  • initialState is a function that accepts an input value and produces the state the component will start with. If the input value is unused (Unit), or irrelevant to the state construction, this will often be const ?someInitialStateValue.
  • render is a function that accepts the component's current state and produces a value to render (HTML usually). The rendered output can raise actions that will be handled in eval.
  • eval is a function that handles the HalogenQ algebra that deals with component lifecycle, handling actions, and responding to requests.

#mkComponent Source

mkComponent :: forall m output input slots action query state surface. ComponentSpec surface state query action slots input output m -> Component surface query input output m

Constructs a Component from a ComponentSpec.

#unComponent Source

unComponent :: forall a m output input query surface. (forall slots action state. ComponentSpec surface state query action slots input output m -> a) -> Component surface query input output m -> a

Exposes the inner details of a Component to a function to produce a new result.

The hidden details will not be allowed to be revealed in the result of the function - if any of the hidden types (state, action, set of slots) appear in the result, the compiler will complain about an escaped skolem.

#hoist Source

hoist :: forall m' m output input query surface. Bifunctor surface => Functor m' => (m ~> m') -> Component surface query input output m -> Component surface query input output m'

Changes the Component's m type. A use case for this might be to interpret some Free monad as Aff so the component can be used with runUI.

#EvalSpec Source

type EvalSpec state query action slots input output m = { finalize :: Maybe action, handleAction :: action -> HalogenM state action slots output m Unit, handleQuery :: forall a. query a -> HalogenM state action slots output m (Maybe a), initialize :: Maybe action, receive :: input -> Maybe action }

The spec record that mkEval accepts to construct a component eval function.

It's not a requirement to use mkEval, and sometimes it's preferrable to write a component eval function from scratch, but often mkEval is more convenient for common cases.

See below for more details about mkEval and defaultEval.

#mkEval Source

mkEval :: forall m output input slots action query state. EvalSpec state query action slots input output m -> (HalogenQ query action input) ~> (HalogenM state action slots output m)

Accepts an EvalSpec to produce an eval function for a component. For example:

``purescript -- use defaultEval and override fields selectively H.mkEval (H.defaultEval { handleAction = ?handleAction })

-- or specify all the fields in the EvalSpec H.mkEval { handleAction: ?handleAction , handleQuery: ?handleQuery , receive: ?receive , initialize: ?initialize , finalize: ?finalize }

#defaultEval Source

defaultEval :: forall m output input slots action query state. EvalSpec state query action slots input output m

A default value for mkEval that will result in an eval that nothing at all - all incoming actions and queries will be ignored, and no receiver, initializer, or finalizer will be specified.

Usually this will be used with record update syntax to override fields to specify things as needed. If a component only needs to handle actions, for instance, a usage might be something like this:

  { initialState
  , render
  , eval: H.mkEval (H.defaultEval { handleAction = ?handleAction })

#ComponentSlotBox Source

data ComponentSlotBox (surface :: Type -> Type -> Type) (slots :: Row Type) (m :: Type -> Type) (action :: Type)

A slot for a child component in a component's rendered content.


#ComponentSlot Source

data ComponentSlot surface slots m action



#componentSlot Source

componentSlot :: forall _1 slot label action m slots output input query surface. Cons label (Slot query output slot) _1 slots => IsSymbol label => Ord slot => SProxy label -> slot -> Component surface query input output m -> input -> (output -> Maybe action) -> ComponentSlotBox surface slots m action

Constructs a ComponentSlot.


  • the slot address label
  • the slot address index
  • the component for the slot
  • the input value to pass to the component
  • a function mapping outputs from the component to a query in the parent

#ComponentSlotSpec Source

type ComponentSlotSpec surface query input output slots m action = { component :: Component surface query input output m, get :: forall slot. SlotStorage slots slot -> Maybe (slot query output), input :: input, output :: output -> Maybe action, pop :: forall slot. SlotStorage slots slot -> Maybe (Tuple (slot query output) (SlotStorage slots slot)), set :: forall slot. slot query output -> SlotStorage slots slot -> SlotStorage slots slot }

The internal representation used for a ComponentSlot.

#mkComponentSlot Source

mkComponentSlot :: forall action m slots output input query surface. ComponentSlotSpec surface query input output slots m action -> ComponentSlotBox surface slots m action

Constructs ComponentSlotBox from a ComponentSlotSpec.

#unComponentSlot Source

unComponentSlot :: forall a action m slots surface. (forall output input query. ComponentSlotSpec surface query input output slots m action -> a) -> ComponentSlotBox surface slots m action -> a

Exposes the inner details of a ComponentSlot to a function to produce a new result.

The hidden details will not be allowed to be revealed in the result of the function - if any of the hidden types (state, action, set of slots) appear in the result, the compiler will complain about an escaped skolem.

#hoistSlot Source

hoistSlot :: forall action m' m slots surface. Bifunctor surface => Functor m' => (m ~> m') -> ComponentSlot surface slots m action -> ComponentSlot surface slots m' action

Changes the ComponentSlot's m type.