


#toCamelCase Source

toCamelCase :: String -> String

Converts the given string to camelCase.

In camelCase each word starts with an uppercase letter except for the first word, which starts with a lowercase letter.

toCamelCase "Hello World" == "helloWorld"
toCamelCase "Player ID" == "playerId"
toCamelCase "XMLHttpRequest" == "xmlHttpRequest"

#toPascalCase Source

toPascalCase :: String -> String

Converts the given string to PascalCase.

In PascalCase the first letter of each word is uppercase.

toPascalCase "Hello World" == "HelloWorld"
toPascalCase "Player ID" == "PlayerId"
toPascalCase "XMLHttpRequest" == "XmlHttpRequest"

#toSnakeCase Source

toSnakeCase :: String -> String

Converts the given string to snake_case.

In snake_case all letters are lowercase and each word is separated by an underscore (_).

toSnakeCase "Hello World" == "hello_world"
toSnakeCase "Player ID" == "player_id"
toSnakeCase "XMLHttpRequest" == "xml_http_request"

#toScreamingSnakeCase Source

toScreamingSnakeCase :: String -> String

Converts the given string to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

In SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE all letters are uppercase and each word is separated by an underscore (_).

toScreamingSnakeCase "Hello World" == "HELLO_WORLD"
toScreamingSnakeCase "Player ID" == "PLAYER_ID"
toScreamingSnakeCase "XMLHttpRequest" == "XML_HTTP_REQUEST"

#toKebabCase Source

toKebabCase :: String -> String

Converts the given string to kebab-case.

In kebab-case all letters are lowercase and each word is separated by a hyphen (-).

toKebabCase "Hello World" == "hello-world"
toKebabCase "Player ID" == "player-id"
toKebabCase "XMLHttpRequest" == "xml-http-request"

#toTitleCase Source

toTitleCase :: String -> String

Converts the given string to Title Case.

In Title Case the first letter of each word is uppercase and each word is separated by a space ().

toTitleCase "Hello World" == "Hello World"
toTitleCase "Player ID" == "Player Id"
toTitleCase "XMLHttpRequest" == "Xml Http Request"