


#Locale Source

data Locale

Represents a Unicode locale identifier

#LocaleOptions Source

type LocaleOptions :: Row Typetype LocaleOptions = (calendar :: String, caseFirst :: String, collation :: String, hourCycle :: String, language :: String, numberingSystem :: String, numeric :: Boolean, region :: String, script :: String)

#baseName Source

baseName :: Locale -> String

Returns basic, core information about the Locale in the form of a substring of the complete data string

#calendar Source

calendar :: Locale -> Maybe String

Returns the calendar type for this locale

#caseFirst Source

caseFirst :: Locale -> Maybe CaseFirst

Returns whether case is taken into account for this locale's collation rules

#collation Source

collation :: Locale -> Maybe Collation

Returns the collation type for this locale, which is used to order strings according to the locale's rules

#hourCycle Source

hourCycle :: Locale -> Maybe HourCycle

Returns the hour cycle for this locale

#language Source

language :: Locale -> String

Returns the language associated with this locale

#maximize Source

maximize :: Locale -> Locale

Gets the most likely values for the language, script, and region of the locale based on existing values

#minimize Source

minimize :: Locale -> Locale

Attempts to remove information about the locale that would be added by calling maximize

#numberingSystem Source

numberingSystem :: Locale -> Maybe String

Returns the numeral system for this locale

#numeric Source

numeric :: Locale -> Boolean

Returns whether this locale has special collation handling for numeric characters

#region Source

region :: Locale -> Maybe String

Returns the region of the world (usually a country) associated with this locale

#script Source

script :: Locale -> Maybe String

Returns the script used for writing the particular language used in this locale