


#JsonDecoder Source

type JsonDecoder e extra a = DecoderFn (Array JsonOffset) (JsonErrorHandlers e) e extra Json a

Same as JsonDecoder' but the from type variable is hard-coded to Json.

#JsonDecoder' Source

type JsonDecoder' e extra from to = DecoderFn (Array JsonOffset) (JsonErrorHandlers e) e extra from to

#addOffset Source

addOffset :: forall e extra from a. JsonOffset -> Json -> JsonDecoder' e extra Json a -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a

#onError Source

onError :: forall e extra from a. (Array JsonOffset -> e -> e) -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a

#failWithMissingField Source

failWithMissingField :: forall e extra from a. String -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a

#failWithMissingIndex Source

failWithMissingIndex :: forall e extra from a. Int -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a

#failWithUnrefinableValue Source

failWithUnrefinableValue :: forall e extra from a. String -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a

#failWithStructureError Source

failWithStructureError :: forall e extra from a. String -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a

#addTypeHintD Source

addTypeHintD :: forall e extra from a. String -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a

#addCtorHintD Source

addCtorHintD :: forall e extra from a. String -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a

#addSubtermHintD Source

addSubtermHintD :: forall e extra from a. Int -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a

#addFieldHintD Source

addFieldHintD :: forall e extra from a. String -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a -> JsonDecoder' e extra from a

#DecodeErrorAccumulatorFn Source

type DecodeErrorAccumulatorFn e extra from to = JsonDecoder' e extra from to -> JsonDecoder' e extra from to -> JsonDecoder' e extra from to

A function that determines how to accumulate errors (if any)

  • altAccumulate
  • altLast

#altAccumulate Source

altAccumulate :: forall e extra from a. DecodeErrorAccumulatorFn e extra from a

Works like alt/<|>. Decodes using the first decoder and, if that fails, decodes using the second decoder. Errors from both decoders accumulate.

#altLast Source

altLast :: forall e extra from a. DecodeErrorAccumulatorFn e extra from a

Same as altAccumulate except only the last error is kept. Helpful in cases where one is decoding a sum type with a large number of data constructors.

#runJsonDecoder Source

runJsonDecoder :: forall e extra a. JsonErrorHandlers e -> (e -> e -> e) -> extra -> Json -> JsonDecoder e extra a -> Either e a